Olight T20 Arived today.


Newly Enlightened
May 29, 2009
My Olight T20 arived today :party: . This is my first $10+ light. This is Incredible. But I have a redundant question. What are O-rings and what are they for? :confused: . I would deffenatly buy from Olight again.
Orings are the rubber rings on the threads that make the light water resistant. Put some lube on the threads, I use the Precision Lubricator from Radioshack.
O rings are the clear rubber ring at the end of the threads. Probably one by the tailcap threads and one by the head threads(if the head come off). Someone else can probably give a better technical description but I think they are basically to keep a good seal at both ends.
Alright, thanks for the prompt response. One more question. How do you install a glow-in-the-dark tailcap on this. It came with one.
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There is a retaining ring inside the tailcap with two small holes in it, use something like an icepic to unscrew it and then you can disasemble it.
Congrats on getting the T20! Not sure on the T20 but my Olight M20 has 5 "O" rings installed in it. It has 2 on the battery tube at the tailcap end, 2 on the battery tube at the head end, and one on the head between the head and the clear glass lens. Mine also came with a glow in the dark switch boot but I haven't installed it yet either. I haven't found the right tool to remove the retaining ring inside the tail cap. Inside the tail cap there are two small indentions directly across from each other (at least on the M20). I believe you have to find something to fit into those indentions and unscrew the retaining ring. I've read some have used a small needle nose pliers, a small scissors, etc. I don't know about the T20 but I've read the M20 can tail stand if the glow in the dark switch boot is installed. I've also read that it still can't so I want to get it switched so I can find out for sure. To bad they don't include some kind of removable plastic collar that would fit over the tail end that would allow the light to tail stand regardless of the type of switch/boot configuration.
My Olight T20 arived today :party: . This is my first $10+ light. This is Incredible. But I have a redundant question. What are O-rings and what are they for? :confused: . I would deffenatly buy from Olight again.

Going from a $10 light to a T20 is a big step up. I think you might be a Flashaholic. :p

Have you seen the O-light I series or 4Sevens Quark series yet? :naughty:

You know you need a small one cell light for backup.:candle: