Flashlight Enthusiast
I really hate mornings. Whenever I have to wake up before noon I'm always groggy and never manage to get anything done.
Conversely, I love the night. I'm usually half-active in the afternoon and only start going on full power at sunset (maybe a bit before that in summer).
Since I'm not currently under obligation of activity (read: I'm unemployed, although trying to find a work-from-home job), I obviously go to bed at times that are unthinkable for most "normal" people. Bedtime usually comes at 5 am, and I've been known to stay up until sunrise reminds me the time for dreamin' has come (about 7.15/7.30). I usually try to sleep eight hours, so I wake up at one to three in the afternoon.
I may or may not suffer from DSPS. I'm not really sure, as personal choice has at least a part in my delayed sleeping schedule. I can't say whether I am capable of reverting my rhythms back to normal or not, as I've never actively tried to do so since finding out I feel better at night; however, even if I could I really have no desire to do so.
And when for some reason I should, I always find interesting stuff to do or read that tends to keep me awake ("It's one am, I really should go to bed... ooh look at this Wikipedia article... <time passes> whoops, now it's five am...")
Whatever the reason, this isn't usually a problem, as I live alone and bother no one with my admittedly unusual sleep rhythms. However, my mom seems to be utterly unable to accept that this lifestyle is not actually negative in any way.
When I'm staying at my place she can't do much of anything about it, save pestering me on the phone every chance she has. When I'm staying at her place, however, not a day goes by without us fighting about it.
This has been going on for a while and, to put it bluntly, I'm bloody tired of it, especially after today's fight which is threatening to turn christmas day sour (christmas doesn't matter much to be, being completely atheist and all, but I'd still like it if I could avoid fights during it).
She's usually a pretty nice person and I love her dearly, but this is driving me insane.
If I was doing her, or myself, some wrong, then I would understand her worries and try to normalize my sleeping schedule. But since I'm not harming anyone, and I actually feel better and am happier when I sleep in the morning and stay awake at night, I don't see why she should make all this fuss about it.
Her main argument seems to be that since the rest of the world does it so should I, but I really don't give a flying fart in a rolling donut what the rest of the world does.
I tried talking to her about it, but it only serves to quieten things for a day or three, after which she resumes her ranting.
I don't want to come to the point where I actively try to stay away from her home to avoid fighting. I'm not about to change my sleeping schedule just to appease her, and modifying my habits only during the time I spend at her home is not feasible on account of such changes taking at least several days to set in, which is usually more time than I spend there.
Can you give me any advice on how to deal with this situation? I figure in an artificial illumination forum I have a better chance of finding night owls like me who have had to deal with the same problem.
Conversely, I love the night. I'm usually half-active in the afternoon and only start going on full power at sunset (maybe a bit before that in summer).
Since I'm not currently under obligation of activity (read: I'm unemployed, although trying to find a work-from-home job), I obviously go to bed at times that are unthinkable for most "normal" people. Bedtime usually comes at 5 am, and I've been known to stay up until sunrise reminds me the time for dreamin' has come (about 7.15/7.30). I usually try to sleep eight hours, so I wake up at one to three in the afternoon.
I may or may not suffer from DSPS. I'm not really sure, as personal choice has at least a part in my delayed sleeping schedule. I can't say whether I am capable of reverting my rhythms back to normal or not, as I've never actively tried to do so since finding out I feel better at night; however, even if I could I really have no desire to do so.
And when for some reason I should, I always find interesting stuff to do or read that tends to keep me awake ("It's one am, I really should go to bed... ooh look at this Wikipedia article... <time passes> whoops, now it's five am...")
Whatever the reason, this isn't usually a problem, as I live alone and bother no one with my admittedly unusual sleep rhythms. However, my mom seems to be utterly unable to accept that this lifestyle is not actually negative in any way.
When I'm staying at my place she can't do much of anything about it, save pestering me on the phone every chance she has. When I'm staying at her place, however, not a day goes by without us fighting about it.
This has been going on for a while and, to put it bluntly, I'm bloody tired of it, especially after today's fight which is threatening to turn christmas day sour (christmas doesn't matter much to be, being completely atheist and all, but I'd still like it if I could avoid fights during it).
She's usually a pretty nice person and I love her dearly, but this is driving me insane.
If I was doing her, or myself, some wrong, then I would understand her worries and try to normalize my sleeping schedule. But since I'm not harming anyone, and I actually feel better and am happier when I sleep in the morning and stay awake at night, I don't see why she should make all this fuss about it.
Her main argument seems to be that since the rest of the world does it so should I, but I really don't give a flying fart in a rolling donut what the rest of the world does.
I tried talking to her about it, but it only serves to quieten things for a day or three, after which she resumes her ranting.
I don't want to come to the point where I actively try to stay away from her home to avoid fighting. I'm not about to change my sleeping schedule just to appease her, and modifying my habits only during the time I spend at her home is not feasible on account of such changes taking at least several days to set in, which is usually more time than I spend there.
Can you give me any advice on how to deal with this situation? I figure in an artificial illumination forum I have a better chance of finding night owls like me who have had to deal with the same problem.