? on strobe feature of Fenix P3D


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 23, 2007
Bozeman, Montana
I've searched the posts, but can't find the answer soorry if it's been asked before.

Is the strobe feature on the Fenix P3D premium Q5 considered a "disorienting" type. For that matter, are ALL strobe features on all lights considered "disorienting"?

Is the strobe feature on the Fenix P3D premium Q5 considered a "disorienting" type. For that matter, are ALL strobe features on all lights considered "disorienting"?

On most light is is a disorienting feature, but LiteFlux and NovaTac (and possible some other) has an emergency strobe, i.e. a slow strobe where the light flashes a very bright flash once a second or slower.
Perhaps it's just my P3D or me, but I think the strobe rate could be a little faster to be more disorienting.

I'm not sure but I'm guessing the strobe is the same speed on the P3D as it is on the L2D-CE, and I agree. The strobe could be a little faster for a better effect, but I don't use it all that much.
Dan, not all strobes are the same - thus, not all are "disorienting".

The "strobe" on Fenix (and similar other lights) is not set to the same frequency as the Gladius, for example.

HKJ, what you are referring to is "blinking", not "strobing". The difference is in the frequency and pattern of the flashing.
The word "disorientating" is relative. The P3D's strobe is somewhat more disorientating (or might I say irritating) than its turbo mode, and probably less disorientating than getting slapped with a raw porkchop. :D

I consider the strobe as being more of a pretty good signaling device than self defense tool, i.e., if you are a pedestrian who wants to avoid getting squished by a car. JMO.
If you're asking whether you can actually disorient someone with the p3d strobe in a conflict, the answer is no, at least not for longer than a second or so (unless they're epileptic or something like that). It might confuse them for an instant when you first turn it on, but after that it's just a little bit annoying and easy to ignore. They are not going to roll up into a fetal ball or anything like that.
Let me ask this then. What brand of light makes the most "disorienting" strobe out there for self defensive purposes? :eek:
I think you've been reading too much bs. If someone wanted to kick you butt, steal your car, or take your money, your blinking flashlight isn't going to change that.
HKJ, what you are referring to is "blinking", not "strobing". The difference is in the frequency and pattern of the flashing.

The manuals for both NovaTac and LiteFlux calls is strobing.

Both also haves a disorienting stobe, and this storbe is faster than the Fenix one and is very annoying.

The two strobes on the NovaTac are fixes, but on LiteFlux they can be adjusted over a wide range.
Oh yes, if confronted with a strobe faster than the Fenix strobe, I'm sure I would be disoriented and terrified. I'd think I'd been warped back to the 1970's and fear that my opponent was about to start playing disco music!
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I had a friend tell me that the P3D strobe made him feel nauseous; does that count???????? :faint: :sick: :green: :eeew:
I've strobed myself with both p3d and novatac in a darkroom, they are annoying at best, but not anymore disorienting than full blast.
I remember seeing on Personal Defense TV an episode about tactical lights. As demonstrated in the show, the benefit of a strobing light is that one can advance on a subject without them realizing it. I agree that the blast of 120 lumens+ is just as annoying, but I think the ability to advance in a stealth like mode has an advantage. I even tried it out on myself...via a large wall mirror and it seems to work. Any thoughts on this?

Thanks for all the input guys! :thumbsup:
This forum is a wealth of knowledge thanks to guys and gals like you!:twothumbs
I find it a bit more difficult to walk outside at night when I turn the strobe on. I guess that is some disorientation. It sure is annoying!
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IMO strobe is more to get yourself a couple of seconds while your attacker figures out what the hell is going on to make your move, rather than actual incapacitation of the assailant.
If you are far away from the assailant to be able to advance on him with a strobe, maybe what you really want to do is exit the encounter by running like hell the other way.

If you feel you need a weapon for defensive purposes, buy a real weapon that goes bang when you pull the trigger. This mall-ninja stuff with blinking flashlights is just silly.

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