You are not alone.
I showed up here in the beginning of February, owning one 3 C-cell Maglite, and one Mini-Mag, which had just expired. I went to Cabelas and bought two insexpensive lights, a $10 Maglite clone, and Streamlight Twin Task 1L. I pondered these for a couple of days, and thinking there must be something better, got online, ended up here, and now:
1. TerraLux drop-in for my 3C Mag;
1. Fenix L2P v2.0 & L1P body;
1. Huntlight FT-02XJ;
1. Civictor v1;
1. Romisen RC-G2;
1. Romisen RC-A3;
1. Romisen RC-N3;
1. Ultrafire SS C3.
And now, I'm thinking of plunking down about $50 bucks for an EDC light, and I've been dubbed a flashaholic by the CPF powers that be.