Orange Flashlights?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 26, 2002
St Louis
I've been looking for an orange flashlight and have had little luck.
I've seen a Streamlight Vulcan (or something) light that was like $125 - too much :(
Pelican Super SabreLite (already have one) :D

But really, there don't seem to be many choices for a flashaholic who's wanting an Orange light. Anyone have any ideas?

Please post links/photos of what you've come across - ideally, LED and not incan. :thanks:
I cant find a shop that sells them but you get orange Surefire G2's and probably the LED version too. sorry thats as good as I can do but hold tight im sure some CPF guru will be along shortly
You can get a yellow Surefire G2 and dye it yourself with RIT dye, which is cheap and common. This was a popular option a few months ago, with excellent results.

There is also the Malkoff MD2 in orange, a phenomenal light that you can use with any of Mr. Malkoff's wonderful dropins.
Wait, save up, and get the Malkoff. The special ceramic coating is really nifty! I sure like mine!
Orange?! where?

i was at an outdoors sporting good store just the other day, and was really close to buying a yellow surefire G2. just to match my yellow spyderco salt-1.:twothumbs
i prefer orange much more than yellow tho.

but thought it over, and need to save up funds for the LX2.
Mr. and Mrs. Guru have been busy! Those orange and green SFs look phenomenal! Time to start saving again..:broke:
I have a couple of these CC TREK lights.

If you can find a yellow SureFire G2 with a removeable bezel retainer you can dye it orange. Just make sure you remove the window before you dye it, ask me how I know. Also, I remove the o-ring in the tailcap and the spring beforehand. Then clean the head, body and tailcap with water and dish soap to remove any grease/lube. Watch the light as you dye so you can take it out when you have the desired color. Let it dry in an arid (dry) environment and/or in the sun for a couple days, especially the tailcap. Reinstall the window, retainer, o-ring, and spring, and then lube all the threads, and you are done. It is not expensive to do although it is very time-consuming, which is I why I don't do it anymore. I have one pure solid orange G2 and one half yellow/half-orange I did just for giggles.

Most importantly, buy one with the removeable retainer on the bezel. Many of the new ones have a different type of retainer.
krylon fusion, color number 2337, Pumpkin (Safety) Orange
thanks for the suggestions so far!
I didn't know about the Malkoff lights...gotta look into those.

Yeah, I remember people talking about dying a yellow G2.
Might buy one already dyed but probably going to skip trying it on my own. :D :shrug:

I looked at BrightGuy but don't see too many orange LED flashlights.

Keep those suggestions coming! :popcorn: