Orange Peel


Nov 16, 2004
Long Island,NY
I hope this question hasnt been answered already but I did a search and didnt find an answer so I will ask here.

I have a Jet I Pro, the original with smooth reflector, that I like very much, but I am wondering if they made an orange peel reflector for it, and if so where could I get one or two? any help would be appreciated.
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You're best bet would be some of this, or potentially stipling (think this is the right word) the reflector- this is quite a common technique for mag mods to smooth out the beam when using a smooth reflector (such as the original one). The concept is explained better in other posts, but basically, get an aerosol can of something, spray it onto the reflector from about a foot away. Wait for it to dry, then see what's happened; the effect is very similar to an orange peel reflector when done right. I never really looked into this technique in much detail, so I'm not sure if you have to use special stuff or if deodorant would suffice.
You're best bet would be some of this, or potentially stipling (think this is the right word) the reflector- this is quite a common technique for mag mods to smooth out the beam when using a smooth reflector (such as the original one). The concept is explained better in other posts, but basically, get an aerosol can of something, spray it onto the reflector from about a foot away. Wait for it to dry, then see what's happened; the effect is very similar to an orange peel reflector when done right. I never really looked into this technique in much detail, so I'm not sure if you have to use special stuff or if deodorant would suffice.

Might be better to put a diffuser on the front. That can be reversed if it doesn't produce the desired effect.

Stuffing up the reflector as suggested, is not easily undone - if possible at all.

Have a look here:

lists a textured reflector for €13 and a tool for opening the bezel. Might want to just double check on the compatibility. The proprietor speaks english if you want to send him a query.
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I hope this question hasnt been answered already but I did a search and didnt find an answer so I will ask here.

I have a Jet I Pro, the original with smooth reflector, that I like very much, but I am wondering if they made an orange peel reflector for it, and if so where could I get one or two? any help would be appreciated.

They definitely DO make an OP reflector - I have both, an OP in my Jet-I Ver 2 and a SMO in my Jet-I EX Ver 2. But I am not 100% sure the original has the same head & reflector as the version 2

Mine is this one:
Here is a good pic:

You could just buy a new one and have 2 Jetbeam lights - or be like me and buy a Jet-IIIM as well and have 3 Jetbeam lights. I really can't see how anyone can have too many Jetbeams to be honest.