Orbtronic 3500mAh 18650 High Drain Hybrid IMR


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 19, 2004
Northern Virginia
what's at the basis of this cell? The same Panasonic "GA" 3500 mAh or something else? I thought with IMR, you got a slightly lower capacity, not 3500 mAh that you get with the 'regular' cell.

3500mAh 18650 High Drain Hybrid IMR
IMR, INR, ICR. They're really just product codes, not descriptions of what's in the cell. If you look at the data sheets for various cells, they're all listed as containing cobalt, manganese, and nickel. That is, they're all hybrid cells nowadays. You have to go by what the manufacturer says is the discharge rating. Don't trust what a rewrapper says it is.
Yeah, I get that. I am just trying to understand what they used as the cell and if this one will work well in my Hound Dogs.
Orbtronic 3500mAh 18650 High Drain - it looks questionable.
Probably inside NCR18650GA or something similar.

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