OSRAM Street Legal LED Headlight Bulbs.

I didn't bother reading absolutely all replies, but I just installed a set of the newer version (black bulbs) of the street legal Osram Nightbreaker LED in my Pathfinder r50 (H4 reflector housings), so I can tell you how things went:

My Pathfinder has very crappy reflectors. With incandescent bulbs, the low beam cutoff is relatively sharp and the hotspot is acceptable and bright, but there is absolutely no width to the beam and there is also a massive dark area started just below the cutoff. So, instead of a wide, even light blanket, it casts a narrow, bright and far away cutoff and nothing elsewhere. Good for road signs, not so good for hazards on the shoulder or potholes. The high beam is a bit better, but the reflectors are crafted in a way that you effectively lose all your low beam light, so the dark area in front of the car is now larger, further down the road. You can actually see your low beams "turning off".

You may say this is how H4 reflectors are designed to work and that light closer to the car sacrifices your night vision, but I also have a car with Koito 7" H4 reflectors (widely regarded as the best H4 reflectors ever made) and there's simply no comparison. The Koitos are wide, flat, even and bright and the high beam retains all the light from the low beam. I have had no need to replace the incandescent bulbs in them.

So, anyway, the Osrams are brighter and somehow make the beam pattern even sharper, they trump even the incandescent somehow, their design is just that good. One of the main advantages about the Osrams is that there is little to no brightness drop off as they get hotter (especially compared to cheap Chinese bulbs which shine extremely bright, but for like 5 minutes).

But, the Osrams will not magically fix a bad reflector design. The same bright far away cutoff, the same dark patches, it's all basically enhanced by the LEDs. I should have inferred all this before buying them, but I was hopeful they would fill in some of the gaps in the reflector. Alas, they did not.

So in short, I strongly recommend the Osrams for H4 reflectors, provided you are happy with your current beam pattern and you want a brighter, whiter light. They won't blind anyone and if anything, there's less stray light than with the incandescent bulbs somehow. If you are starting off with a bad reflector, don't waste your money. You will need to do a projector retrofit if you want proper night lighting.
I didn't bother reading absolutely all replies, but I just installed a set of the newer version (black bulbs) of the street legal Osram Nightbreaker LED in my Pathfinder r50 (H4 reflector housings), so I can tell you how things went:

My Pathfinder has very crappy reflectors. With incandescent bulbs, the low beam cutoff is relatively sharp and the hotspot is acceptable and bright, but there is absolutely no width to the beam and there is also a massive dark area started just below the cutoff. So, instead of a wide, even light blanket, it casts a narrow, bright and far away cutoff and nothing elsewhere. Good for road signs, not so good for hazards on the shoulder or potholes. The high beam is a bit better, but the reflectors are crafted in a way that you effectively lose all your low beam light, so the dark area in front of the car is now larger, further down the road. You can actually see your low beams "turning off".

You may say this is how H4 reflectors are designed to work and that light closer to the car sacrifices your night vision, but I also have a car with Koito 7" H4 reflectors (widely regarded as the best H4 reflectors ever made) and there's simply no comparison. The Koitos are wide, flat, even and bright and the high beam retains all the light from the low beam. I have had no need to replace the incandescent bulbs in them.

So, anyway, the Osrams are brighter and somehow make the beam pattern even sharper, they trump even the incandescent somehow, their design is just that good. One of the main advantages about the Osrams is that there is little to no brightness drop off as they get hotter (especially compared to cheap Chinese bulbs which shine extremely bright, but for like 5 minutes).

But, the Osrams will not magically fix a bad reflector design. The same bright far away cutoff, the same dark patches, it's all basically enhanced by the LEDs. I should have inferred all this before buying them, but I was hopeful they would fill in some of the gaps in the reflector. Alas, they did not.

So in short, I strongly recommend the Osrams for H4 reflectors, provided you are happy with your current beam pattern and you want a brighter, whiter light. They won't blind anyone and if anything, there's less stray light than with the incandescent bulbs somehow. If you are starting off with a bad reflector, don't waste your money. You will need to do a projector retrofit if you want proper night lighting.

There really isn't anything revolutionary with the Osram Nightbreaker H4 LED that sets it apart from any ole' generic H4 LED you can find littered all over amazon or ebay. It still inherits all the same technical issues that prevent it from being a legitimate 1:1 filament bulb replacement. Sure, it may have a slight advantage from the others with respect to better position of the emitters and thinner interval of the light emitting areas but this doesn't guarantee optical compatibility. It just means it'll work "better" in *some* vehicles not *ALL* vehicles.

The only reason why the NB LED H4 and H7 have legal compliance in certain foreign countries is due to certification through lab testing. This means each headlamp is run through a test procedure that measures the light output with the LED bulb against the EU lighting standards. If the beam meets all the requirements, its added to the approval list.

Unfortunately, as much as we'd like to believe it, our eyes and subjective impressions are not capable of properly determining whether or not a LED headlight bulb is suitable for street use. A headlight beam is too complex. Its not just a blob of light. There are numerous specific angles, with numerous intensity requirements that are legally permitted. Its impossible to know if a beam is in compliance just by looking at the beam on a garage wall or road.
Sure, it may have a slight advantage from the others with respect to better position of the emitters and thinner interval of the light emitting areas but this doesn't guarantee optical compatibility. It just means it'll work "better" in *some* vehicles not *ALL* vehicles.
With conventional LED methods there is but better approximation of filament bulbs. Filament LEDs could just about replicate a halogen bulb ... provided advancements in thermal performance/ruggedness are made.
Filament LEDs could just about replicate a halogen bulb ... provided advancements in thermal performance/ruggedness are made.

But it can't. The technology just isn't there yet. Which is why the current template of LED headlight bulbs consists of a PCB with emitters back to back sandwiched in between an aluminum body. That's the only way currently to produce enough flux that rivals that of a halogen bulb. But despite having sufficient "brightness" it lacks equivalent near field emission which is KEY to a fully optimized beam.
With conventional LED methods there is but better approximation of filament bulbs. Filament LEDs could just about replicate a halogen bulb ... provided advancements in thermal performance/ruggedness are made.
The obvious issue with that is the poor thermal path from the LED to ambient. Filament LEDs work fine in household lamps with 2 to perhaps 10 watts of waste heat. We need emitters to get perhaps 80% efficient or better at high drive levels for filament LEDs to be viable in automotive bulbs. That's ~250 lm/W or better. We already have LED filaments close to that, but only at fairly low drive levels, as in the new Philips 200 lm/W bulbs.
But it can't. The technology just isn't there yet.
Thus my provided advancements caveat. It's a ways off, contingent on marked improvements that may not be in the cards.

The obvious issue with that is the poor thermal path from the LED to ambient
They would need to be able to tolerate considerably more power than present designs do with the same negligible heatsinking.
There really isn't anything revolutionary with the Osram Nightbreaker H4 LED that sets it apart from any ole' generic H4 LED you can find littered all over amazon or ebay.
It sounds like you haven't tried a lot of those eBay/Amazon bulbs then.

There is a clear advantage. I wouldn't say revolutionary, but there are certain areas where a properly engineered, brand-name LED bulb will excel:

- Power drop
- Fan noise
- Flicker
- Ability to reuse factory dust covers
- Overall quality and durability
- How close to a filament bulb the beam pattern is

I have tried many aftermarket LED bulbs, I would have a drawer full of them but I sold or returned most. Some may do an acceptable job at mimicking the halogen beam pattern, but their power drop is massive, sometimes almost half of their initial brightness is lost. That's why most Amazon reviews are trash, because they install the bulbs, get out of the car to take a few pictures, are amazed at how bright they are and don't bother checking back after a 1 hour drive. This is for the most part a forum about flashlights and this is very well known issue with cheap "1 million" lumen torches on Amazon, eBay, etc.

But anyway, to me the H4 bulbs are a special animal because of their low beam shielding. An H4 reflector doesn't use the lower part of the bowl for low beam, so a LED doesn't need to mimic 360 degree light. Part of it is blocked by design, which really suits how LEDs are built and you said it perfectly:
PCB with emitters back to back sandwiched in between
There is always a dark area directly above and directly under, but with H4 bulbs you can: A. Not worry about the area directly under and B. Use that shield to your advantage to reflect some of that light upwards. The high beam does bring back the usual problems but it affects some reflectors more than others.

Here you have my very own Pathfinder's reflectors and I have marked the low beam (orange) and high beam (blue) areas:

Here is the Osram low beam in action. There is no need to fill in any gaps in the low part of the reflector bowl and there is light from the emitters directly above. Note that the two reflective surfaces above are split in the center directly above the filament center, so that gives them some angle which helps the LED:

And here is the high beam. When the low beam chip turns off and the high beam takes its place, you can clearly see the darker areas directly above and below the centerline. The significantly brighter light from the LED more than compensates for this IMO:

I could show you their beam pattern vs halogen against a wall, but I know that it won't be sufficient when talking about light projected in 3D space and it would be unfair to these bulbs given how bad I believe these factory reflectors are. There are others who have done the comparison, you'll find them if you Google around.
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there are certain areas where a properly engineering, brand-name LED bulb will excel:

- Power drop
- Fan noise
- Flicker
- Ability to reuse factory dust covers
- Overall quality and durability
- How close to a filament bulb the beam pattern is
For sure. I've seen the bug-eyed fleabay garbage chock full o generic 5050 packages that's guaranteed to look worse than a PnP HID kit that's cooked the reflector and lens (mercifully with less glare because LOL <500mW 5050 packages). I've seen well-engineered LED bulbs that do their best to replicate filament position + geometry and they can come remarkably subjectively close to a halogen filament. And unlike the grade-Z stuff being marketed by ever-escalating units of megalumen they probably meet their stated output/power numbers while sustaining output without freaking out the electrical system and lasting more than a night and a half.

And subjectively, I've seen well-engineered LED bulbs that look better than the middling projectors with stock halogens. The light distribution looks similar, they don't flood the foreground, there aren't any unacceptable hotspots, the artifacts aren't markedly different / distracting, and what divergence they offer seems to be spread laterally in a welcome fashion.

But the goniophotometer doesn't lie. Whatever you think of FMVSS 108 as a standard (and OEMs' often questionable compliance), they're just not up to snuff with the regs.
It sounds like you haven't tried a lot of those eBay/Amazon bulbs then.

Does it sound like it? On the contrary, I HAVE. Light testing is my hobby. ;)

There is a clear advantage. I wouldn't say revolutionary, but there are certain areas where a properly engineering, brand-name LED bulb will excel:

- Power drop
- Fan noise
- Flicker
- Ability to reuse factory dust covers
- Overall quality and durability
- How close to a filament bulb the beam pattern is

Your first mistake is assuming that "brand name" always equates to "proper engineering". While in general, Osram and Philips, who are leaders in automotive light sources and lamps, do tend to have more credibility for designing "good" lighting products, this doesn't mean they still can't put out something that just doesn't work correctly in all applications. In fact some of their LED bulb lineups use rebranded cheap Chinese garbage bulbs. No engineering here. Just something to hit a particular price point for the bottom dollar.

Electrical, thermal, colorimetric and geometric characteristics, although pertinent to a good overall design, rate LOWEST on the priority scale. They are completely meaningless and useless if the light source is incapable of FIRST meeting all the photometric requirements. Without sufficient light emitting equivalence (i.e. craptastic beam), who cares about durability, flicker or whether or not you can twist on the dust covers without obstruction.

I have tried many aftermarket LED bulbs, I would have a drawer full of them but I sold or returned most.

So have I. Except I keep all mine. This HERE is just a half sample of what I have. (bulbs that is)

Some may do an acceptable job at mimicking the halogen beam pattern, but their power drop is massive, sometimes almost half of their initial brightness is lost. That's why most Amazon reviews are trash, because they install the bulbs, get out of the car to take a few pictures, are amazed at how bright they are and don't bother checking back after a 1 hour drive.

Yes some do an "ok" job (and some great) but only in *specific* applications and with certain LED bulbs. That's sort of my point. An LED bulb, for example, may do great in a Nissan Rogue but may do horribly in a Ford Focus though they are both H11 lamps. So when someone says "oh these H11 LED bulbs I bought here do great in my car, you should get them for your car since you also have H11" is horrible advice. That's because LED bulbs are NOT universally compatible optically. No matter the brand.

And amazon reviews aren't trash because of output loss due to poor thermal design. Their trash because people are incapable of knowing of what a proper good beam pattern is if it hit them in the face. See HERE for a collage I put together which is just a small sample of the comedic reviews.

But anyway, to me the H4 bulbs are a special animal because of their low beam shielding. An H4 reflector doesn't use the lower part of the bowl for low beam, so a LED doesn't need to mimic 360 degree light. Part of it is blocked by design, which really suits how LEDs are built and you said it perfectly:

The H4 is a complex bulb with very specific requirements pertaining to the positioning of the filament and shields. Have you ever looked at its technical sheet? You should. Because your over simplification of how a H4 LED is really "suited" is not accurate at all. Just know that there is more than meets the eye when comparing these two light sources.

I would agree that an LED bulb doesn't *always* need to necessarily emit a 360 degree emission, but there are certain lamps in which the optics require light to reach certain areas in order to fully reproduce the intended, compliant beam.

filament near field.png

led near field.png

Except I keep all mine. This HERE is just a half sample of what I have.

I see a few familiar ones there. I've been through some of those.

See HERE for a collage I put together which is just a small sample of the comedic reviews.

I don't claim to be an expert myself, but that's indeed the other extreme.

I like debating with experts, though, because sometimes the "real world" aspect is missing from their perspective. I have a 50 year old car that was delivering ~11 volts to its H4 bulbs (and before that, to sealed beams). That's - according to Daniel Stern's chart - like 60% of the advertised light output? I don't recall the exact numbers but it's bad, really bad. I have of course taken care of that but when I get thrown regulations, laws and lab results I can only think about all the stock headlights I see every single day on the road that are less safe than my 11v candles or the guy who just bought some crap LED off eBay.

Oxidized plastic lenses, insufficient voltage (or overvoltage), cars that had minor fender benders and their lights are crooked, cars that have their cluster lighting always on so people drive with only their DRLs (and no tail lights), people who buy the incorrect halogen bulbs, cars with broken headlight adjusters, automatic or manual... cases abound. My E39 had stock Hella projectors which had their reflective coating completely falling apart. Those projectors are not separate units and a new set of HID housings is $2000. I replaced them by taking apart the housings. Worse, I was reading on a Volvo forum of a guy who had to mod/restore his headlights because they were NLA. What was he supposed to do? Throw the whole car away because doing anything other than using the stock bulbs/stock housings is (debatably) unsafe? We can't take those newly fabricated lights to a lab, that is the real world. Trying to mix-and-match every car to whatever projector, HID setup, LED bulbs, etc. works best, doesn't glare oncoming traffic and is a clear improvement over stock is really difficult and can't be measured in labs.

There are some of us who really strive to do this right but without all the necessary background, and I do appreciate the debate because I learn from it. These Osram bulbs were a dream just a few years ago (or the Philips Ultinons). Something from a known brand, street legal in many countries. This thread started by wondering if they were any good, IMO they are and I am admitting that for some cars (like mine) they are not magic and can't fix a bad reflector.
Why bother trying to invent a led that will work in halogen designed optics, when you can manufacture optics that is designed for a led. Give it another 10 years and all those led, hid retrofits will disappear the way aftermarket stereos did. Now even econoboxes come with led lights from a factory. those some still use bulbs for turn signals, luxury brands phased out bulbs years ago. go find a 60+k car that has halogen bulbs today, you wont find any.
Yes. I had a rental car which was a Nissan Altima 2021 ( and more recently a 2021 Toyota Camry ) and the most impressive thing about the Altima was amazing LED projectors .

Extremely bright low beams with long throw and almost zero artifacts [ BMWs have some lines and slightly uneven dispersion on some models I've ridden [ I think 2018 ] .

But Altima had almost none - like a Halogen even dispersion much higher candela and throw and the high beams were great - tremendous throw and wide even lighting for dark roads and expressways with no oncoming traffic affected .
Hi everyone,

Longtime - like, VERY long time - lurker, first time poster. I hope it's alright that I bumped such an old thread, I just want to make sure I am understanding this whole business correctly.

I have a 2017 Ford Fiesta ST mk7. I am in the US, but I have the OEM European-spec ECE projector headlights for an LHD car. The Fiesta ST in the US gets the same headlights as the base model Fiesta, and they are incredibly dim halogen reflectors - even properly aimed with upgraded halogen bulbs, I found them lacking. The ECE projectors are a significant improvement, to my eyes, even with the exact same halogen bulb (in both cases I have used the Nightbreaker +200 H11).

This specific headlight - the European-spec ECE LHD projector for the mk7 Fiesta - is listed on Osram's documentation as being "tested" and "approved" for the "Street Legal" Nightbreaker LED in all countries in which this headlight is available. Somewhat humorously, the Mk7 Fiesta is also one of, like, three cars that Osram makes full LED taillights for, so I trust that they did their homework on this specific car.

Am I correct in assuming, then, that I could in fact safely install these in my headlights? Barring any issue with Color Rendering Index, would this indeed be an upgrade? Is this some sort of a proprietary design of Osram's, or is there really nothing better about these than any other LED "bulb" from a reputable manufacturer such as, say, the Philips Ultinon?

I have a 2017 Ford Fiesta ST mk7. I am in the US, but I have the OEM European-spec ECE projector headlights for an LHD car.

This specific headlight - the European-spec ECE LHD projector for the mk7 Fiesta - is listed on Osram's documentation as being "tested" and "approved" for the "Street Legal" Nightbreaker LED in all countries in which this headlight is available.

Am I correct in assuming, then, that I could in fact safely install these in my headlights?

An argument could be made that because that specific headlamp using the Osram LED bulb was tested in a lab by TUV SUV, that it provides a suitably adequate beam that meets regulatory lighting standards.

There's just one problem though...

That headlamp and its optics are designed for European lighting requirements (R112) which DIFFER than the U.S. lighting requirements (FMVSS 108).

Barring any issue with Color Rendering Index, would this indeed be an upgrade?

Really hard to say unless you've actually tried a better H7 halogen bulb such as the Vosla 65W H7 which has significantly more output than a standard 55W H7.

Is this some sort of a proprietary design of Osram's, or is there really nothing better about these than any other LED "bulb" from a reputable manufacturer such as, say, the Philips Ultinon?

There is nothing technologically advanced of either the Osram or Philips LED bulbs that makes them "game changers". The same fundamental issues exist in these bulbs than any similarly designed generic LED bulb found on amazon, aliex, etc. The main difference is OS/Philips attention to certain characteristics of the bulb such as emitter selection, precise alignment of emitters, size of emission area, emitter interval, power, fitment and other features.

The generic Chinese LED bulbs don't focus on these areas. They probably are not even aware of them honestly. Their main concern is stuffing the largest, brightest chip and driving it to insane levels in order to appease the ignorant consumers who foolishly believe that the "brightest" bulb is all that matters (when it doesn't).

Despite OS/Philips better design and quality, this doesn't automatically make them suitable or "better" for ALL headlamps. This is why EU and other countries allow for a "certification list". Because the lamp is photometrically tested to ensure it meets the lighting requirements. And all the vehicles that didn't get the "pass" from the lab get excluded from the list.

Funny how those lists don't include the cars that were tested but FAILED. So you're left wondering (if you live in that country), has my car just not been tested yet? I would be interested to know if the failure rate is higher than the ones that have passed. Probably not a good look if they disclosed it this way because then people would ask "how come this car is compatible but my car isn't?".
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Am I correct in assuming, then, that I could in fact safely install these in my headlights? Barring any issue with Color Rendering Index, would this indeed be an upgrade? Is this some sort of a proprietary design of Osram's, or is there really nothing better about these than any other LED "bulb" from a reputable manufacturer such as, say, the Philips Ultinon?

Since I just went through a similar thing:

You can safely install the Osram Nightbreakers. Both the US and European legislation aim to minimize glare and maximize visibility so technicalities aside, you won't have issues, especially if your car is listed as tested.

Here is the big caveat which is what I didn't realize: Even if your reflectors or projectors are in great shape, not yellowed, not hazy, properly mounted and secured, they could still be bad headlights. Good LED bulbs like those Osrams will only amplify their weaknesses. Have a dark spot in some part of the beam pattern that always causes you to hit that pothole? The LEDs will make that blind spot even more apparent and less visible because you'll have brighter areas elsewhere (more contrast).

My recommendation is: go to a pitch dark area with enough road ahead to see your current beam pattern (with your stock bulbs). Steer your car so you can more easily tell where hot and dark spots are as well as the cutoff. If you are satisfied with what you see, you have a good candidate for LED replacements. Otherwise it's a good candidate for a projector retrofit (yes you can replace a projector with a better one).

The biggest advantage of Osram and Philips LEDs vs more generic brands is their brightness consistency as they heat up, build quality, durability, fan noise, interference. A generic LED from Amazon might have just as sharp of a cutoff and be brighter... for the first 5 minutes.

I shelved my Osrams and went for a full projector retrofit because not only were my reflectors not listed as legal, but even with their stock halogens they were dangerously bad.
An argument could be made that because that specific headlamp using the Osram LED bulb was tested in a lab by TUV SUV, that it provides a suitably adequate beam that meets regulatory lighting standards.

There's just one problem though...

That headlamp and its optics are designed for European lighting requirements (R112) which DIFFER than the U.S. lighting requirements (FMVSS 108).

Really hard to say unless you've actually tried a better H7 halogen bulb such as the Vosla 65W H7 which has significantly more output than a standard 55W H7.

There is nothing technologically advanced of either the Osram or Philips LED bulbs that makes them "game changers". The same fundamental issues exist in these bulbs than any similarly designed generic LED bulb found on amazon, aliex, etc. The main difference is OS/Philips attention to certain characteristics of the bulb such as emitter selection, precise alignment of emitters, size of emission area, interval spacing, power, fitment and other features.

The generic Chinese LED bulbs don't focus on these areas. They probably are not even aware of them honestly. Their main concern is stuffing the largest, brightest chip and driving it to insane levels in order to appease the ignorant consumers who foolishly believe that the "brightest" bulb is all that matters (when it doesn't).

Despite OS/Philips better design and quality, this doesn't automatically make them suitable or "better" for ALL headlamps. This is why EU and other countries allow for a "certification list". Because the lamp is photometrically tested to ensure it meets the lighting requirements. And all the vehicles that didn't get the "pass" from the lab get excluded from the list.

Funny how those lists don't include the cars that were tested but FAILED. So you're left wondering (if you live in that country), has my car just not been tested yet? I would be interested to know if the failure rate is higher than the ones that have passed. Probably not a good look if they disclosed it this way because then people would ask "how come this car is compatible but my car isn't?".

Thanks for the detailed response, I was hoping you'd chime in. I am not technically minded enough to understand the documents you linked, however, I was under the impression that generally speaking ECE regulations (R112) were far more stringent than DOT (FMVSS 108), which is to say that anything that was ECE approved (assuming use in a left-hand-drive car, of course) would likely be safe on a US road even if it were not expressly DOT approved. If I have any relevant details incorrect, please let me know.

Otherwise, yes, your above comments on the generic Chinese LED "bulbs" are why I am currently using upgraded halogens in my halogen projector headlights (I may try those Voslas next), but the part where these specific headlights (Ford ECE Projector Headlamps) with these specific LEDs (OSRAM Street Legal) were tested by TUV SUD and as such were "certified" is why I was curious about the safety/efficacy of making the jump to these specific bulbs, assuming again that they would actually be an upgrade - I have no plans to run any other/non-approved LED "bulbs" in my halogen projectors, I just wanted to make sure I was interpreting the "certification" correctly.
Since I just went through a similar thing:

You can safely install the Osram Nightbreakers. Both the US and European legislation aim to minimize glare and maximize visibility so technicalities aside, you won't have issues, especially if your car is listed as tested.

Here is the big caveat which is what I didn't realize: Even if your reflectors or projectors are in great shape, not yellowed, not hazy, properly mounted and secured, they could still be bad headlights. Good LED bulbs like those Osrams will only amplify their weaknesses. Have a dark spot in some part of the beam pattern that always causes you to hit that pothole? The LEDs will make that blind spot even more apparent and less visible because you'll have brighter areas elsewhere (more contrast).

My recommendation is: go to a pitch dark area with enough road ahead to see your current beam pattern (with your stock bulbs). Steer your car so you can more easily tell where hot and dark spots are as well as the cutoff. If you are satisfied with what you see, you have a good candidate for LED replacements. Otherwise it's a good candidate for a projector retrofit (yes you can replace a projector with a better one).

The biggest advantage of Osram and Philips LEDs vs more generic brands is their brightness consistency as they heat up, build quality, durability, fan noise, interference. A generic LED from Amazon might have just as sharp of a cutoff and be brighter... for the first 5 minutes.

I shelved my Osrams and went for a full projector retrofit because not only were my reflectors not listed as legal, but even with their stock halogens they were dangerously bad.
Sorry, my initial post may not have been clear or detailed enough, so I'll try to clear this up as far as what I am asking -

The factory Mk7 Fiesta ST headlights in the US are absolutely horrible. With better bulbs, such as the Nightbreaker +200s, they are quite a bit better. However, the ECE headlights are projectors made by Hella, and even the stock bulbs in that look better than the Nightbreaker +200s in the reflectors, and then Nightbreaker +200s in the ECE headlights seem even better still - there are no dark/hot spots and the light is bright, even, and clear. I truly have no complaints about my night vision at this stage of the game, other than the fact that the Nightbreaker +200s don't last very long. So, my question is if these LEDs will be even better still, as my experience with people saying LED headlights are an "upgrade" is largely the same "well, it looks brighter to me so it's obviously better" stuff we all went through with HID kits 15-20 years ago.

Hope that makes more sense.

Thank you both!
Well, since nobody had any firsthand experience, I took the plunge. I found a good deal on the Street Legal Osrams - $60 shipped, open box from Germany - and decided to be a guinea pig and slapped them in the above mentioned headlights. They LOOK cool, but in terms of light output are vastly inferior to a good halogen bulb, even to my untrained eyes, and I will be going back to buying the H9 burners in H11 housings made by Vosla and sold by Daniel Stern once my Nightbreaker +200s burn out.

Just putting this here for anyone who stumbles onto this thread in the future - the tech still isn't there, save your money and go with what you know works. :)
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I sadly cannot use any LED-bulbs, at least not as of yet, due to my VW Caddy having a stupid bracket that the bulb is attached to, and then the bracket is screwed into the rear of the light assembly.

For standad halogen replacements, I have tried Philips X-tremeVision, Philips Racing Vision, Osram Nightbreaker and 65W bulbs...and honestly, I cannot say I noticed much difference with either of them.

So my final form - i mean, solution was to simply add some extra LED-pods (went with a pair of diffused Rigid D-pod Pros) as additional low beam illumination, plus 4x Rigid D-XL Pros as additional high beam. Had the D-pods wired to the always-on parking lights, and the XL's to the high beams, and had a button fitted near the dashboard to manually control either extra sets of lights.

Though the diffused D-pods send too much light upwards, and affects oncoming traffic, so I added some electrical tape at the top to black them out a bit. I recently purchased a pair of the Rigid 504813 fog lights that I mean to replace them with. I just want more illumination when driving with only the low beam, and without blinding anyone.
So my final form - i mean, solution was to simply add some extra LED-pods (went with a pair of diffused Rigid D-pod Pros) as additional low beam illumination, plus 4x Rigid D-XL Pros as additional high beam. Had the D-pods wired to the always-on parking lights, and the XL's to the high beams, and had a button fitted near the dashboard to manually control either extra sets of lights.

Though the diffused D-pods send too much light upwards, and affects oncoming traffic, so I added some electrical tape at the top to black them out a bit. I recently purchased a pair of the Rigid 504813 fog lights that I mean to replace them with. I just want more illumination when driving with only the low beam, and without blinding anyone.

None of the Rigid pods are suitable as "low beam helpers" because the developed optics were not designed for it. Sounds like you tried to Frankenstein a pair to meet your needs without understanding how forward lighting works. Putting electrical tape over a lens as a means to prevent unwanted glare or to alter the beam isn't really accomplishing anything.

The only way to improve low beam illumination (when traffic is present) is the typical protocol of better bulbs, lamps properly aimed and haze-free lenses. If that don't cut it, then its quite possible that the vehicles lamps are just not a good design and brighter bulbs are not gonna help. And unless there are legitimate good aftermarket headlamp replacements, you are SOL. A harsh reality for many folk who are forced to live with inadequate lighting.

You could always opt for adding universal sealed projector low beam/high beam modules which are offered by Hella and Osram but this would require mounting them in the grille or some where at a reasonable height that isn't low to the ground. However, this may not always be aesthetically pleasing depending on the mounting configuration or even possible at all due to limited space.
None of the Rigid pods are suitable as "low beam helpers" because the developed optics were not designed for it. Sounds like you tried to Frankenstein a pair to meet your needs without understanding how forward lighting works. Putting electrical tape over a lens as a means to prevent unwanted glare or to alter the beam isn't really accomplishing anything.
In my case, understanding was not required; only more illumination. But you are right, I did try to brute-force the problem. And it was quite deliberate. The aesthetics isn't really an issue (certainly not when considering the current looks of the front of my car).

And I did also look at some Hella DRL solutions before opting for what I did. I suspected even before buying the Rigid diffused pods that the beam pattern would not be ideal, but what I really wanted - Rigid D-series driving non-Pro - was no longer available.

The Rigid D-series Driving non-Pro has the estimated output of what I need (...all of the Pro-units really are too powerful), with the beam pattern - wide horizontal / low vertical - that I want. I only want more illumination <50 meters in front of the car, while driving with only the low beam.

And when meeting a newer car, with that disgusting, blue glare that piereces my eyes and makes me wince (I presume those are xenon lights), or the newest factory-fitted bright LED-headlights that I can't fathom is even legal to use in the dark, there are those times when I want to flash my extra LED high beams, and give them a little taste of the sun at close range...

I drive mainly on narrow roads, with a long winter and lots of animals, so I have mostly set my car up with floody lights (hence the 4x D XL's are mounted in an arch, for about 150 meters of floodlight in almost 180º in front of the car), but I also have a 40" "hyper spot" LED-bar on the roof. In total, it's about 60.000 raw Lumen of additional high beam at my fingertips. But with this kind of power against oncoming traffic, I am VERY aware of dimming down as soon as possible.

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