As I said in another thread regarding the solar lights and replacement batteries....
Stick with the low capacity 600mAh - 1000 mAh NiCd's. There are a couple other threads that identify the pros of the Nicd over the NiMh for this particular application.
Also forget about anything higher than about 1000mAh, since the solar cell lights typically WILL NOT be able to fully charge them. Because of the size of the solar cells on most solar lights, they tend to only put out about 50mA of current in full, direct sunlight, less on an overcast day obviously. Do the math, this means that a 1000mAh battery would take at least 20 hours and in reality closer to 24-26 hours to obtain a 'Full' charge.
Just one of the reasons why the lower capacity cells work better in solar lighting applications. The lower capacities actually work better in the long run due to more complete charge/discharge cycles.
I go through all my solar lights (at least 14) each year and run the batteries through a Refresh/Analyze cycle (BC-900 or MH-C9000) to help make sure they get some 'full' charge/discharge cycles.
If you really want to get the most out of your solar lights and batteries, take one of your solar lights and measure the charging current during a reasonably sunny day (Note - indoor lights WILL NOT give you accurate rates, especially flourescent lighting) and size your batteries according to the current you measure times the average hours of daylight where you live.
It is also not too bad of an idea to measure the current 'drain' on the batteries when the light is actually on. This will give you a rough idea of how long the lights will actually run for.....providing they are getting a 'full' charge. Believe me, sizing the batteries properly really does make a difference when used with solar lights.
Harbor Freight (700mAh) NiCds seem to work as well as any of the cheapies that I have tried. Again, do the math, these end up taking a good 14-16 hours of sunlight for a 'full' charge which is just about perfect for where I live.
Looks like Harbor Freight is having a sale on June 6th, 7th, and 8th.
A 4 pack AA's (lot #47440) or AAA's for 1.99, normally 4.99.