Surefire fan speaking out on behalf of Fenix...
First of all, to discuss "quality" without defining it up front is a moot point. We all have differing definitions of what makes a quality product.
1- Fit & finish of machining and HA. Slight edge goes to SF. The tailcap threads on my L1T are just a little rough feeling, even with ample lube.
2- O-ring engagement and water resistance. EVEN tie
3- Smoothness and feel of switching mechanism. EVEN tie. The smoothness of SF twisties is just as smooth as the forward clicky in my L1T.
4- Cleanliness and overall perfection of optics and glass. EVEN tie
5- Heft and wall thickness of assemblies. Moot item since I do not own an E1B to compare to my L1T.
I don't really consider durability to be a quality criteria, IMHO its more a design element. BUT its worth mentioning that I've had an L1T since christmas. I have EDC'd it EVERYWHERE since then. I have already dropped it 4 times (I am a clutz). So far it has handled it like a champ, minus a few chips to the typeIII. One drop was waist high onto garage concrete, and the other was waist high onto ceramic tile. Both landing with a loud SMACK!
These are the exact same drops that busted my inova X1-V2, and dented the bezel and chipped the pyrex of my 6P.
A third drop was from about 3 feet. At The Children's discovery Museum (Highly recommended for those of you with kids in the Bay Area)...
I dropped the light onto some hard fiberglass at their water-fountain display. The L1T landed squarely on the clicky, turned it on and the light tumbled another foot into the water. I cringed... but the light came out unscathed as my son continued to play around with it in the water.
THE L1T IS A TOUGH LIGHT. Those who want to knock fenix will do so. But thus far the little L1T has surpassed my Surefire and Inova... and is on track to match my Romisen RC-N3-Q5 as my most durable light.
Anyhow, to get back on topic... My best overall quality light is my M2.