ok here are the results finally. testing a old C accupower i have laying around.
after some 6months of hanging out it had about 2500-3000ma in it still.
i cycled it a few times , and checked the capacity, and it was very high capacity. then i overcharged it till it leaked, then i discharged it completly and then shorted it out for 2 days. after i removed the short it still showed some minor voltage .02v.
after the long time dip into zero land, it had terrible trouble recovering it, but after about 4-5 cycles it is back up to 4067ma on discharge.
things i learned, if using a v-drop charge you gotta go really freaking fast , to insure it terminates like 3amps speed.

after a dip to 0V normal conditioing cycles were very usefull, full charging and discharging to .9v. Weird how that worked might have had some to do with some liquids leaving the battery during the extreeme overcharge.
so other than your reverse charge, which probably occured, test the capacity, then if it is low , run it through some cycles (without destroying it) and it might perk it back up. use it or lose it.