Thanks for your comments.
What motivates the difference in price between the lights?
Do they have different beam patterns? Can somebody who has both lights give a description of the beams, please? Does the p1d-ce have the same issue about flashing at max brightness on start-up I've been reading about?
the beam patterns look roughly similar to me. since brightness levels in any mode don't match each other precisely, brightness differences may influence my visual perception in this comparison.
not sure how other people's units compare as i've only seen mine.
regarding that annoying "flash"...
no, well sort of...
here's what i mean,
the P1D-CE does NOT have the same flashing brightly issue as the P2D-CE. Why? because the P1D-CE does NOT start at a low level, it starts at its Primary ~72Lm (Mfr. claimed) output level, then moves to its Maximum output level of ~135Lm (Mfr. claimed), and then its third level is its ~12Lm (mfr. claimed) Low output level.
this being the case, you must go through the higher levels to get to the lower level, making any very brief flash a moot point, as even using a Leef body with McClicky tail switch, which allows faster movement through the P1D-CE output levels via very quick, partial depressions of the tail button, causes the higher levels to output for longer than that startup "flash" some complain about.
now, to the "sort of" part of my opening statement on the "flash"...
i can see an extremely quick flash when i get to Low. however, it is so brief and is so "overshadowed", so to speak, by having to go through the Primary and Maximum output modes to get to the Low output mode, that i don't find it anywhere near as objectionable or annoying as in the P2D-CE. IMO, it's really very minor due to the need to put out some bright light in Primary and Maximum for moments that are just a shade longer than the annoying flash.
it makes that flash really a moot point, IMO. you've already blasted your eyes with two bright flashes that last just a bit longer (assuming you change modes very quickly) AND much brighter than that annoying flash. that "flash" is insignificant in the P1D-CE and literally pales by comparison.
did i make this clear? hope this info helps.