P2D not changing modes


Newly Enlightened
Apr 23, 2007
My P2D does not like to change modes anymore. I tap the switch and it just stays in low most of the time. Takes some messing with to get it to do anything else.

Is there anything I should try or just send it back in (to who if I do send it in?)

Clean the threads. Also, when I just barely loosen the head, it will do what you describe. Go at least a quarter or half turn and the problem will likely go away.
Thanks, cleaning the heads threads and finding the correct position to keep it threaded to seems to have fixed it.

I just got my P2D, and I have the same problem. I dont think it's my battery, because it new. Oh well I'm not one to send things back, I'm to lazy.
Every problem i've had with my P2D has been a dirty contact (keeps happening for some reason) Just take a pencil eraser, take the head off and scrub the contact. I've heard rubbing alcohol works too. Either way, it always solves my problems.
I had also similar problems with my P3D. I removed big fat o-ring from the tailcap (which is round the spring) and my P3D started to work correctly.

What kind of lube? Seems like lube would attract dirt and dust.

I use NyoGel from www.lighthound.com . If you over-apply, it will make the light act funny. A very light coat over the o-ring does wonders. I disassemble the light about every other week and clean off any lint/dust/etc. and relube. Seems to do the trick.