P2D Not Working!


Nov 15, 2007
My P2D Rebel has been fine for the first couple of days I have had it, and it has really become my most used light. Tonight I was using it, and it was working fine. I put it in the belt holster, and when I pulled it back out 10-15 minutes later clicked the switch and nothing happened! I played with it gently pushing the switch in as if you were changing modes and I got it to come on!? After that I tried again to see if it was some kind of fluke, but it got to the point where I can barely get it to come on at all. I thought hmm... So I replaced the battery, same problem. I tightened the retaining ring in the switch, same problem. I even dissasembled the switch to check for dirt, trash, ect. nothing, when I reasembled it, same problem. I can jump from the negetive terminal on the battery to the end of the battery tube and it works just fine, so it is definately the switch.
I am really at a loss here... It has worked flawlessly for 2-3 days, and then all of a sudden it just dies. Does anybody know if there is something I am missing, or do I just need to send it back to Fenix?
Please help me I LOVE this little light, I hate that it is not working so I can't use it...:sigh::mecry:
Did you get it at the Fenix Store? If so, they have outstanding customer service. I'm sure you can email/call them and will get a prompt reply. There's always a lemon in the bunch - looks like you may have got one. Good luck with it.
Jugg -

I had a question a few months back about an order from Fenix Store and sent an email to them with my phone number listed.

I received a return email with an answer AND a phone call to confirm I got it. Not bad... I think they'll take good care of you. Amazingly, good customer service still exists with some companies.
Alright guys, I e-mailed Fenix. I was hoping there might be a fix I could do myself, but as long as it gets fixed I will be happy. Thanks!
I'm on my second P2D and it did pretty much the same thing a few minutes ago. Would turn on intermittently, but now is non functional. What is wrong with these things?

I don't want a third Fenix. It'll probably be no better than the first two. I didn't get mine from FenixStore.

Just did the paper clip trick and the light will turn on, so I guess that makes another bad switch.
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Whoops! No, the trick, not the fix!

That is just taking off the tailcap and connecting the clip across the battery's negative end and the edge of the tube to see if the light will turn on without a switch attached.

In the case of the P2D, the clip turned the light on without a tailcap, so I'm guessing the switch is t--- up.
Got it working again.

I disassembled the tailcap switch, played with the parts and determined they were functional. Upon reassembling the tailcap/switch assembly, it brought the light back to full function. Apparently, there was a loose electrical connection somewhere in the tailcap switch assembly.

While I wouldn't take this light to anything where I needed reliability, it still puts out a very respectable amount of light in a small package.
Did you try cleaning the parts with deoxIT? Fenix-store sells it so you can keep your connections in good order. I always go over a new light with deoxIT, remove any grime from the factory, etc. Even if a light works, improving the connections will reduce resistence and lead to longer battery life, possibly more output, etc.
Could any of you Fenix P2D owners disassemble the switch and take a picture
of the contacts. Think the macro-mode on digital cameras would help
for the close-up.
I'm wondering if contacts are oxidizing due to high current and/or cheap materials.

heres a pic of a Nimh AA positive terminal. scratched but still ok.
Whats with the Fenix switch. Isnt it gold plated???

Did you try cleaning the parts with deoxIT? Fenix-store sells it so you can keep your connections in good order. I always go over a new light with deoxIT, remove any grime from the factory, etc. Even if a light works, improving the connections will reduce resistence and lead to longer battery life, possibly more output, etc.

Wade, do you actually put Deoxit 'in' the switch? I have been afraid to do that, thinking it might conduct in there and cause the switch to malfunction (stay on).

I've been putting it on my threads and contacts, and I did put it on the switch of my garbage DX light and it did make the switch work a lot better and I didn't care if it stopped working after.. heh
I just bought a P3D Q5 from Fenix-Store and my light would work every 5 or so clicks at first and now won't switch on at all. If I jump the negative battery to the body it lights up fine.

I just sent an email to fenix store to find out how to fix or replace it.
Wow ericgst, that sucks. I called Fenix, and they are shipping me a new switch. Hopefully it will arrive tomorrow. Based on the customer service I received you will have another switch ASAP.
And why do you assume the new switch will not suffer the same failure?

MTTF - mean time to failure is now something to consider. If you need a
reliable light will you skip over the Fenix and take something else?