P2D Or L2D CE grip mods???


Newly Enlightened
Jun 4, 2007
I recived my order of a P2D and a L2D CE today.For the price these lights rock:naughty:
things of note:
Orings on both came lubed, very tight (beautiful) hotspots in both beams no noticed irregularities.

I noticed as othes on this forum have stated, the bodies seem slick, and while checkering would be awsome, the fact is ther is none. Have any of you found a good way to modify these bodies for better grip retention?

1) I am thinking of making a pocket clip that will attach to the head at the first deep grove, making it removable. Prior to reciving the lights I thought of drilling and taping holes for a pocket knife style clip however, now I do not want to risk damaging the headassembly.

2) Anyone tried heat shrink tubing? Or Ru8t-Oleum Grip $ Guard, tool handel replacement coating? Athleic grip tape is another option but, I do lots of knot work, and was thinking the L2D CE might look good with the tapered down section highlighted with a cord wrap?

I am open to suggestions.
Hi Joseph13, welcome to CPF!:)

The most popular way of improving the grip on Fenixes appears to be sticking to the outer surface strips of some kind of rough surfaced tapes which can be done according to one's own fashion. There is no limit to fantasy in doing that. If you search in the proper box on top of the page for "Fenix grip" or something similar I am sure you will find several options.

As to clips I can't be of any help cause I hate those things. I am in principle a clip remover.:shrug:
I also find Fenix and Fenix clone lights too slippery. Very hard to use with even thin gloves on or if wet.
You can put skateboard grip tape (not really tape, but very rough and grippy) or other grip tape on it, a very hard thick o-ring, paint on some rubberized grip, or shrink tube like you mentioned. I prefer clear shrink tube so I can still ID the light by its markings, but black would probably look better after some wear.
I think I saw a post a while ago by somebody that applied grip tape just to the flats. Looked great new, but I think something wrapped all the way around without ends to peel up, like shrink wrap or grip-coat, would be more durable.
Here's what I did to my L0P CE that I EDC. I was dropping it all the time. I cut strips of shrink tube and placed them around light. After shrinking them in place they held good. After a time, they would loosen up and I'd have to heat them again. I'm looking for some way to secure them. I have another L0D that I didn't cut the shrink tube into strips and just slipped it whole over the light before heating. It has a different feel to it but doesn't have much "character". :) I didn't take a pic of it.
