P2D Q5


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 15, 2007
Mentor, Ohio
Just received my first Fenix light. A P2D Q5. I have to admit I like the size. not quite as bright as my Olight T20 Q5 but still very bright and a very nice tint. No donuts or dead spots in the spot. I also heard complaints about green tints in Fenix. Not this one. I look forward to trying it out tonight.
Bright Guy just received their shipment today. Fortunately I live close by.
Had more of a chance to play with it since my first post earlier today. I really like the UI. Heard some complaints on this feature also but I kind of like the Low, then Med, then Hi with each tap of the switch. There is of course the turbo mode by tightening the head also. I question the output, 180 claimed lumens, although this light is very bright. Wish I could actually measure it. Anyway I'm very happy so far. I bought three of them and gave my dad and my brother one. They are also very happy with this light. I really like the tan one I gave my dad. Bright guy told me it actually holds up better than the black. Anyone have any comments on this.
I guess the reson why it looks like the neutral color or olive grab color looks tougher is that scratches that expose bare aluminum dont contrast as much compared to black anodizing. I wish the L2d would come in neutral also:shakehead
I guess the reson why it looks like the neutral color or olive grab color looks tougher is that scratches that expose bare aluminum dont contrast as much compared to black anodizing. I wish the L2d would come in neutral also:shakehead

That was my guess also. It scratches but doesn't show as much.
but why does the HAIII feel different with the olive drab compared to a SF HAIII? it feels like there's a clear powdercoat?:shakehead

After handling both I would say that the neutral color is more of a dull finish and the black has more shine to it. This could give the impression of a powder coat on the neutral color. Just a guess on my part though.
Thanks for your comments, Hitthespot! You have a couple lights I'm really interested in. You mentioned you like the size of the P2D...is that compared to the T20? I personally like the idea of using only one battery at a time.

Did you consider the Olight T10, and if so, what about the Fenix P2D swayed you?
I was at Bright Guy to pick up some other items when they mentioned they just received the Fenix lights with the Q5 LED's. I played with them for while and really liked them. I bough three.

The Olight T20 Q5 is a 2 cell light and has a completely differnent spot than the Fenix P2D Q5 with one Cell. The Olight has a much tighter and brighter spot. The Fenix is more like a Surefire G2 / 6P kind of spot, not well defined. More Spill with a bigger spot. Now having said that I'm not sure what the Olight T10 Q5 1 cell light is like. It could be like its big brother the T20 or more like the Fenix. Since I don't have both ( T10 & P2D ) I can't compare.

I do like both my lights though. The Fenix is small for everyday carrythe way it outputs the lumens makes it an excellant EDC IMO. It gives plenty of light out to 20, 30, feet or farther. The Olight with its greater throw would be more appropriate for viewing 50, 60 or 100 ft or farther.

I will note for everyone that the this latest Fenix P2D Q5 does have the infamous Turbo flash when turning the light on in normal mode. This does not bother me at all though.

If anyone has both the T10 Q5 and the P2D Q5 can you give us the differnences.
If anyone has both the T10 Q5 and the P2D Q5 can you give us the differnences.

Would be a great comparison - will do another search to see if it's been done but can anyone chime in on this? Shame the Fenix still has that quickflash on mode change :(
This has a great deal to do with how the parts are treated both pre and post annodizing.
If the parts are polished first the finish turns will out smooth and shiny.
if not (usually the case) the finish is dull.
There is also the possibility that a "bright dip" .
Bright Dip anodizing enhances the glossy appearance of aluminum for cosmetic applications.
There are a whole bunch of different options which can effect the finish of aluminum.

After handling both I would say that the neutral color is more of a dull finish and the black has more shine to it. This could give the impression of a powder coat on the neutral color. Just a guess on my part though.
I've had a little more time to play with the P2D Q5 since my first post. I have changed my mind after some actual use. There are some things I would do different. First off if you get up in the middle of the night and want low the turbo flash is a little irritating, and I would think a simple thing to correct. Second, I like the UI on the Olight's better. There is a lot to be said for firing up at the same brightness you shut it off in. From a logic stand point you would think the brightness going from low to high makes good since, but I like the Olights UI which goes from high to low. It seems 80% of the time I need a brighter light and not the extreme low the P2D Fires up in. Yes I know theres always turbo mode.

While I still believe the P2D Q5 is a good solid light and I still like it, there are some improvements that could be made. If I were buying today I would seriously consider the Olight T10 Q5. Another plus for Olight is they do not list any warnings about using the light in the brightest mode. All of Fenix Q5 lights with a turbo mode say not to use it for more than 10 minutes in high ambient temperature. I'm not sure what they consider high ambient temperature and I don't like ambiguity in something I have to depend on.
Re: P2D Q5 (i'm still waiting for mine...)

I've had a little more time to play with the P2D Q5 since my first post ... While I still believe the P2D Q5 is a good solid light and I still like it, there are some improvements that could be made. If I were buying today I would seriously consider the Olight T10 Q5
I'm jealous.. my P2D Q5 won't ship until ~Nov 8.
Thanks for the writeup.

This will be my 2nd Fenix light. My 1st, a P1D Q5 had a beautiful beam.. but the threads & twisty UI were very rough.. it would flicker and change modes while turning on, and required 2 hands to turn off.
I was pretty disappointed for a $60+ "premium" light. I returned it in exchange for a clicky P2D Q5 (still waiting for it to arrive).
I guess for the "turbo flash".. we could always cover the light while turning on?

In retrospect.. if I could start over I would've gone with either..
-LumaPower LM303 ~$35
-Olight T-10, ~$48 ($65 for Q5)

I just wanted a decently bright 1xCR123 EDC pocket light, plus low mode, and reliable UI. Shoot, that's not too much to ask for!
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Re: P2D Q5 (i'm still waiting for mine...)

I'm jealous.. my P2D Q5 won't ship until ~Nov 8.
Thanks for the writeup.

This will be my 2nd Fenix light. My 1st, a P1D Q5 had a beautiful beam.. but the threads & twisty UI were very rough.. it would flicker and change modes while turning on, and required 2 hands to turn off.

If you get the rough threads Superlube synthetic grease works great. I have tried both the Silicone grease and the Superlube and the Superlube wins hands down. Except on Plastic flashlight like Pelican. In those cases the Silicone Grease works best.
Re: P2D Q5 (i'm still waiting for mine...)

I got a P2D Q2, so I'll probably skip the Q5 and wait until ther is a R4 or R5 bin, and hopefully by then they fix that FLASH. :)

Also Fenix quotes emitter lumens, not lumens out the front. So if they quote 180 emitter lumens for the P2D Q5, actual lumens should be around 130-140. Just take 20-30% off the emitter lumen rating for loss from the reflector and lens and you'll be in the ball park of lumens out the front.
Re: P2D Q5 (i'm still waiting for mine...)

I got a P2D Q2, so I'll probably skip the Q5 and wait until ther is a R4 or R5 bin, and hopefully by then they fix that FLASH. :)

Also Fenix quotes emitter lumens, not lumens out the front. So if they quote 180 emitter lumens for the P2D Q5, actual lumens should be around 130-140. Just take 20-30% off the emitter lumen rating for loss from the reflector and lens and you'll be in the ball park of lumens out the front.

Is Fenix the only company that quotes their lumens at the emitter or does everyone do this. I heard Surefire is very conservative and based on the Surefires I have I would agree. I'm sure everyone wants to compare apples to apples. Knowing how each company quotes their lumens I would think is very dear to everyones heart here. Anyone know how the all the big boys quote their lumens?
Re: P2D Q5 (i'm still waiting for mine...)

Many of the smaller companies making LED lights often quote emitter lumens. They may not have the means to offer accurate out the front lumens ratings. Surefire has their own testing methods and many people feel they are conservative with their ratings.

For me I like knowing the emitter lumens, and it's fairly easy for the LED flashlight manufacturer's to figure out. If they know what bin LED they are using, an they know how much current they are sending it, they can use the LED manufacturer's charts to figure out approx how many emitter lumens are being produced. It's like BHP and HP with cars, how much HP is the engine producing, and how much HP is actually coming off the drive wheels after loss through the tranmission, etc.

As long as you know which lumens are being quoted you can have a pretty good idea of what to expect out the front of the lens.
My P2D Q5 does not have turboflash when turning on or changing modes, except for SOS -> Low mode change. In other words, I get the turboflash only when the light starts over after cycling through the Low - Med - High - SOS pattern, not when the light initially turns on or any other time.

Doesn't sound like many others' experience with this light (?). Interesting...

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