P3D on 18650, anyone?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 30, 2007
Stockholm, Sweden
Can anyone recommend me a Fenix P3D size light running on a 18650 battery.
I really like the look of the P3D, like a bolt. And i like the energy density of 18650.
Would it be possible to run a P3D body with a P2D head?

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An 18650 is too wide to fit in a P3D. Most protected 17670's will not fit either. On top of that, if you can get a 17670 to fit you will get the low battery warning in ~15 minutes with a P3D(buck circuit) head. You would only get turbo,SOS, and strobe(no lower levels) with a P2D head until the battery was down to ~3.15v(boost circuit).
On the other hand, if you managed to somehow fit a 18650 to a P2D head, you could use a LiFePO4 cell and get all the modes.
there simply is none!
all the "similar" lights made for 18650 (which means practically kaidomain and DX only) are of very questionable quality - both technically/output and mechanically wise - and feature silly strike bezels and several increased diameters.

The only hope to get to a good commercially available 18650 light, that is of useful quality and also sleek and good pocketable,
This is not the 1st time in the last year I typed this!
(... please make the low lower)

till then, You can also get Yourself a light in the size needed and mod it to run on a single 18650.

Well, if you can find a Gotham for sale(it is a bit larger)...
come on :rolleyes:
Apart from killing pockets with all those edges, this light in not even in the budget of "SF only" flashaholics
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all the "similar" lights made for 18650 (which means practically kaidomain and DX only) are of very questionable quality - both technically/output and mechanically wise
Have you ever tried them? I have a U2 clone from DX and it works perfectly.
let alone how they work technically
(with having only the cheap version to compare, one can not judge too good)

simply compare the treads and/or finish to other lights, even ones in the 20,-- class.
Any more questions?

PS: sure, most of their lights give astoundings results - for the price tag
You're looking for the DereeLight CL1H with a module designed for use with an 18650 (most of the modules they make are 18650 specific and work great). It's a touch larger than a P3Ds sleek body, but worth the size difference to gain the benefits of the 18650 cell format.

Small enough to be pocketable, bright enough to be useful, over 2 hours on a Trustfire protected 2500 mah 18650.

They aren't kidding on the 150 lumens.

I'm thinking about dropping a 3 mode Deerelight Q5 in mine.

Build quality is excellent, cost of the module and light is close to that of the P3D, though it's physically a little larger.

Edit: PEU is working on a NECOA light that will look like the P3D but take a 18650, it's been on the back burner for a year or so, though. He's announced that he's back to working on it, we'll have to see what he comes up with.
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