P3D Smooth vs. Textured

Snesley Wipes

Newly Enlightened
Mar 28, 2008
Does anybody own each of these? I ordered a smooth because I love lighting up the distance, but is there a BIG difference between the two? Will I be missing some serious flooding because I ordered the smooth?

Honestly I really don't have a dedicated task for using high end flashlights, I'm more of a hobbyist. I walk the dog, maybe hit a trail. I recently acquired the E1L OD which is also smooth and don't even own a textured torch yet so that is why I am asking the pro's for a little guidance.

Thx for the advice,
I have a P3D Smooth, a TK10 Textured, and a P2D Textured for a short while until I give it as a gift.

The P3D is my EDC, and I wish I had opted for textured. Comparing the beams from the P3D and the P2D there is not have a massive difference in the spill or the hot spot, but the P3D is very ringy compared with the P2D. So for beam quality reasons I prefer the textured reflector. The same is true of the TK10, very nice beam indeed.

Still, too late now! We live and learn.
I have both smooth and textured versions of the same Fenix lights and I prefer the textured because the beam looks a bit cleaner against a white wall.

In actual real-world use outdoors, I couldn't tell you which is which unless I turned them off and looked inside the lens.
Yeah, in fairness, I am white-wall comparing here. Outside in the woods or something.... very little difference.
From Yucca Patrol's comments, it sounds like it, but I couldn't say for sure, all my lights have slightly different lumen ratings.
I like targeting an object (mostly my dog) at ~100ft away. I just want to make sure I don't loose that capability with a textured reflector.
Well, IMUO (unenlightened) I don't think you'll lose that ability with the textured reflector.
To clarify, I have an L1D Q5 and a couple L2D Q5's. I switched the heads so that I could compare the different reflectors on the L2D bodies and found that they were essentially the same in real world use.

I'd probably buy the textured ones just for the cleanest looking beam if I was to buy just one of these.
The Fenix P3D Q5 with smooth reflector throws a little better than the textured reflector. This is confirmed by lux readings on both units.