
Mar 23, 2007
Virginia, USA
First off, Mods: If this belongs in the modified lights forum, please move it with my blessings and apologies. :)

Anyway, I was snooping over at http:/www.customlightfactory.com and found this:


It's a modification of the EverLED which runs an SSC P4 at ~ 350mA. According to the guy who made them, who seems to be very good based on the other things he's done (look around that forum or google for Arc mania, I'm sure something will come up), it's putting out the full 100 lumens (emitter lumens I assume) as per the SSC datasheet for 350mA.

I ordered one despite the price because I love universal dropins I've discovered. :) I'm going to try to do the switch mod to my 2D maglite plus try to decrease the resistance in the tailcap spring so I can make the most of the 2.4v my NiMH D cells are putting out. (Oh what I wouldn't give for Eneloop Ds... hey that sort of sounds like a song..) Hopefully LITEmania shipped my 3AA-1D adaptors Monday, the wait is killing me. :) Slightly OT - can I use ProGold on the contacts in the adaptor to reduce resistance there too..? Or would that be a waste?
Arc Mania makes great mods and custom flashlights. He's got the same sales thread on CPF. He's also, currently, got a pre-sale thread for a custom flashlight using 15w Ostar LED. His Surefire LED tower modules have been very popular in the past, too. You will, in fact, find loads sales and review threads dedicated to his doings, here on CPF. His sales thread, here, is titled just like this one, only with a "FS:" at the beginning. You can find it in the Custom Mod B/S/T section. Find the thread and click on his name, then select "Find all posts by Arc Mania," and you can get an idea of how prolific he is, although, I'm sure most of his threads are lost in the archives, somewhere.

I bought 2 of the P4EverLEDs.

Edit: Here it is, here: http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=159918
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Sounds very interesting, indeed.

I really like ArcMania's engineering and handiwork.
