P60 Cree drop-in modules Runtimes!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 19, 2001
I decided to do a few runtimes of Cree P60 type modules to show everyone.

These two are DealExtreme modules. Two Titanium 123A cells each.

I had a runtime of the WolfEyes "130 lumen" module going (~7100 on the lightbox - est. about 100 Lumens), but the power went out after 2 hours and I lost the data. I haven't done runtimes in weeks and NOW the frikkin' power goes out - for only 5 seconds, no less. Just enough to invalidate the entire test. Figures. I'll run it again later.



(overall output started at about 7400 in the Lightbox - est. about 100 Lumens)


(overall output started at about 5000 in the Lightbox - est. about 70 Lumens)

Both runtimes done in a Surefire C2.

Doug P.
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The 1343 does have longer runtime, but starts out at a little lower output (5000 vs. 7400).

FYI: The 1447 fits perfectly in my G2 without any gaps. The 1343 does not. Instead, the 1343 fits in a Brinkmann Maxfire with one slight modification - removal of the inner metal tube and shortening it about 1/8" by using tin snips and then re-forming the end as it was before. No modification to the flange ring, just replace it back in where it came from (over the metal tube). This allows the tapered end of the module to sit lower in the flange ring (the top of the metal tube resting inside the flange would stop it) and this in turn allows the top to close completely.

Both modules work in the Surefire C2, but with a small gap at the base of the head (easily filled with an o-ring).
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I got the G2 with the 1447 modules. It fit very nicely indeed. I have the G3 coming and I thought I will order the 1343 to try it on. I might just try the trick of grinding it down slowly with fine sandpaper.
Awesome! That makes me VERY happy about my choice of going with the 1343. The light output is more than enough as far as I'm concerned.

Thanks for sharing the data...
Wolf-Eyes 130 Lumen Cree Module - completed with 2 Titanium 123A cells in Wolf-Eyes Sniper type body.


(overall output started at about 7100 in the Lightbox - est. about 100 Lumens)
Nice work Thanks, I would love to see more P60 drop-In's tested.
Nice work Thanks, I would love to see more P60 drop-In's tested.

I would too.I just ordered a 3-13 volt drop in from DX and put it in my cabelas 12v (4 cell) light and I love it.On 4 cells it draws .41A thats about 3 hrs.Worked out so well I ordered another one!

Yeah I hope quickbeam has the time to do a few of these drop ins.Doug,i'm getting a second 3-13v from DX if you want I could send it to you for some testing.Shoot me a PM.
Quickbeam, thanks for doing these runtimes. I just received my 1343 last night and it's doing well in a maxfire lx.

Question, since you were running it for quite a while, did you notice any particular heat issues?
I was able to take the temp of the outside of the aluminum C2 with an IR thremometer. The 1447 went up to 112 deg F, the 1343 about 100 deg F. The WE dropin was also around 100 deg.
Thanks Quickbeam. I've been curious about the runtime of these modules. It looks like the WE did very well considering its output. Nice regulation on the 1343 though too...I was surprised by that. Thanks for your work as always. :)
One runtime question for the technical people here: I have 2 of the DX 1447 drop ins, and noticed that the brightness appears to be the same if I run it on 2 - r123's or 1x17670. From an electronics point of view, which setup should run longer? :confused: I'm running either setup personally with no preference, but I want to buy a setup for my buddy who's a night shift cop using a standard 6p with p60 lamp.

One runtime question for the technical people here: I have 2 of the DX 1447 drop ins, and noticed that the brightness appears to be the same if I run it on 2 - r123's or 1x17670. From an electronics point of view, which setup should run longer? :confused: I'm running either setup personally with no preference, but I want to buy a setup for my buddy who's a night shift cop using a standard 6p with p60 lamp.


The 17670 will spend less time in regulation (if any at all), then have a tail of declining output. The RCR123's will power it at full brightness until the protection circuit in the cells kick in and it will instantly shut down. Both have their drawbacks. The RCR123's shutting off instantly (provided they're protected) will leave him without a light. The 17670 will not have as much runtime at the regulated high output mode, and once it drops out of regulation it is possible to discharge the cell past the safe voltage level. I suspect that the 17670 will not actually power the light in regulation.

If you really rely on the light and would like as much regulated high output runtime as possible, and have it not just shut completely off, then primary CR123's are the way to go. Buy them online and get them cheap.
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(overall output started at about 5000 in the Lightbox - est. about 70 Lumens)

I just did a runtime for the new Surefire 6PL and it seems very comparable to this module for both output and runtime. Either DX has a really nice dropin for the money, or Surefire dropped the ball on the efficiency of their circuit. I suspect that it's the latter since the Fenix P3D ran regulated for nearly twice as long on High as the 6PL did, at just slightly less output. The Rebel 100 Fenix would be more output and almost twice the regulated runtime. I think the Rebel 100 is fairly comparable in efficiency to the SSC P4 U bin as well.
Would the 1343 fit in a Cyclops 2x123 xenon. I have a SF P60 in it now, which I did have to take down a bit with a dremel. Could I do the same with the 1343 if necessary to get it to fit. If so I take it that rcr123 would be the way to go rather than a 18650. Am I correct in thinking this? What batteries are you guys using with the 1343? rcr123 3.0v, or 3.6v, and what brand. I'm hoping to get the 1343 dropin and batteries and charger all from DX.

Edit: After looking at the specs on DX it looks like I would have to take 2.4 mm off the dia of the reflector. Maybe I would be better off using it in my Maxfire LX. I just thought that with heat an aluminum body would be better.
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I think I may finally break down and buy one of these drop-ins. Looks like even at 70 lumens output, the die does not get too hot to drop the output. I bet the Dx1447 will run flat if you can get the heat out.