P60 module failures?


Sep 6, 2005
Palo Alto, CA

What LED P60 drop ins have failed on you and how long did it/they last before failing?
What drop ins have you been using without any problems and how old are they?

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I purchased 2 of the 6090 drop in's from DX. One squeeled when turned on, the other had a strobing effect. These were used in a 6 and 9P for about 10 minutes. At about $10.00 each, I guess you get what you pay
for. I contacted DX a couple of weeks ago, but have not heard anything from them. They are now useless treasures in my desk drawer.
I have dozens of modules including this one, and I have never had one fail. I recently bought three of the "3-mode 0-100%" Q5 modules (actually 15-mode in six groups) from DX rated at 3.7V. I inadvertently tried to destroy it with two sets of fresh 16340 cells (8.4V), but it has several kinds of protection and prevented me from killing it.
ive bought 3 seperate cheaper drop-ins from china off ebay, they all have not failed but all have issues with battery connection and heat up to intolerable levels within a couple minutes.

My BOG Q5 has not failed me ever and has always fired up, as well as my Malkoff

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