P60L Red LED Drop-In Single Mode?

J.McDonald Knives

Newly Enlightened
Jun 5, 2008
Calallen, TX
I was looking at getting the SF 618LFG which uses the P60L and was wondering if there is a red LED drop-in for it so that I can use it hog hunting at night.
But I'm wondering what affect the 5 modes would have on the light. I dont wanna turn on the light and it be flashing SOS or be in strobe light mode or something like that.
I had the DX red dropin, (I sold to a CPFer who desperately needed one for Halloween), it's a RED red that makes a regular light with a filter on it look awful.
As far as the mode switching, if you have a clicky you shouldn't have a problem with it jumping past the mode you want. If you want to turn it of and on a lot you might have to cycle past the strobes. It has mode memory which you may or may not like.
You could always swap the driver for a single mode, just a couple connections.
It was a cool enough oddity that I'll be ordering another to let the kids play with next Halloween. I may even build the emitter in to a dedicated flashlight like an Akoray 109.
The red will blow you away. The modes, not so much.
You could always swap the driver for a single mode, just a couple connections.
Could you link me to the driver I would need along with explaining step by step on the process of swapping them out so that I dont mess up anything? I have done a lot of soldering on electronics but mostly doing kits and have yet to do any mods for flashlights. How hard is it to swap the drivers on that R2?