In my experience, if you are looking for more throwing power in this size light, you'll want to check out an LED drop-in. They are handily competing with the total output of HOLA lamps in this category, but at the same time, can provide much more focus if this is what you desire. There is always something to be said for the depth of field generated by the wider color spectrum of incans, but I personally have found that the tradeoff in this size is worth it, especially when you factor in runtime... I've had the pleasure of receiving a "290 lumen" R2 drop-in from ttran97 as a gift from another CPF member recently. It handily outperforms a brinkman maxfire (similar to 6P P60) and i have no doubt it will out-throw a P61.
As an alternative, the Wold-Eyes D26 3.7V drop-in on a protected AW 17670 might be worth checking out if you want a little more punch than the P60, while maintaining an incan platform, but don't want the guilt of burning through CR123s every 20 minutes.