Flashlight Enthusiast
I finally got curious as to how good hdtv really can be.
But at over $1000 for a whole set with a tuner was a bit much.
Why not on the computer with it's 8 year old, 19 inch, 1600x1200 monitor? :thinking:
Plus usb 2.0 is pretty fast, right?
A computer can record shows on a big enough hard drive like the 1.09 terrabyte raid "0" array I have.
At the store, I found at least 3 different usb 2.0 hdtv tuners from $99-$179.
What a steal!
I finally snagged the $129 pinnacle hdtv pro stick for usb2.0 with everything included in the surprisingly small package.
Set it up and it just kicks rear end here in my area. :rock:
But at over $1000 for a whole set with a tuner was a bit much.
Why not on the computer with it's 8 year old, 19 inch, 1600x1200 monitor? :thinking:
Plus usb 2.0 is pretty fast, right?
A computer can record shows on a big enough hard drive like the 1.09 terrabyte raid "0" array I have.
At the store, I found at least 3 different usb 2.0 hdtv tuners from $99-$179.
What a steal!
I finally snagged the $129 pinnacle hdtv pro stick for usb2.0 with everything included in the surprisingly small package.
Set it up and it just kicks rear end here in my area. :rock: