Peaks High CRI XPG3


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 8, 2022
Had to try for myself but all I gotta say is that this is the best tint I had ever witnessed with my own eyes

Peak Logan XPG3 High CRI top
519a 4500k DD bottom
Hello ilikeguns40, I'm thinking about buying a SS Logan, actually I almost pulled the trigger on the one you sold ~2 weeks ago, kinda of regret not doing it 😞. Now I debating between the offering of Robyn for the sw40 or the XPG3 high CRI, Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated 👍.
First I would email Robyn and see if she has any nichias SW40s in stock, if she does I would have her build you an SW40 Logan. If by chance she doesn't have any in stock I would go with the XPG3 High CRI. It's a great emitter and tint and honestly it's one of my favorites. I'm actually gonna place another order with that emitter.

Just a heads up if she doesn't have any SW40s in stock it may take awhile for her to build you one since she would have to order more leds in. Could always ask what other emitters she had as well. Who knows she could have SW30s and SW45s
Very good, I'll shoot her an email regarding availability, would you personally choose the XPG3 high CRI over the SW40?
I would rather have a nichia, it's more neutral for my liking and it's basically a preference thing. They are both great. If you could only have one. Try and get the nichia, if you got the funds then get both. I currently have a SS Eiger with an SW40 and my next will be a brass Eiger with XPG3
Also, if you're going with Logan. I recommend the medium optic. The narrow optic has artifacts. They aren't bad but they are there. The medium is very smooth artifact free and is really nice
Cool, I'll go with the SW40 if it's in stock otherwise I'll go with the XPG3, thank you for the tip on the optics as I was going for the narrow tir.
Great info and appreciate the sharing. I don't own a PEAK, but it's been an interest of mine. Almost picked up an El Capitan recently, but the seller withdrew the listing. Also like the Logan and the info y'all shared has been helpful.