PentagonLight Molle, Round and Round and


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 19, 2002
39.42N 86.42 W
While at the laundry I caught a flash of light off the face of the large capacity front loader washer I used. Thinking at first it was someone opening the door to the tanning booth across the room from me I was surprised to see my until then missing PentagonLight Molle rolling around in the washer switched on! :crackup:

Nothing to do but watch the light show. It was still lit when I pulled it from the washer.

It isn't water proof. But it must be encapsulated as it still works. Shook out a half thimbleful of water and there is still some vapor but it still is working. I am thinking of dropping it into a jar of silica gel desiccant.

Glad I didn't put it in the dryer. :lolsign: Also glad it wasn't my Mag85.
I have a Molle light and love it. Good quality, nice floody beam that's bright enough for most tasks. And apparently durable enough to survive a trip through the washing machine.