Perfect low lumens for general use?

Agent Iron

Newly Enlightened
Dec 9, 2009
I am interested in hearing what people think about a good amount of Lumens in low mode on a 3 mode light. My lights currently are 1.5 on low, and I don't know if I find this an adaquate amount for general use. I find that perhaps somewhere between the 1.5 and the 10 on my EO1's might be better. I have read of some lights that are 3.0 on low. What do you folks think?
Some people really like low lows. I like em too but only sometimes. For other times, approximately 10-25 lumens is good for me.
I use my EDC now alot to navigate a semi lit stairway. You need at least that much light for that purpose.
IMHO, it personal preference. What ever your needs dictate is useful (not being sassy). On my Ra clicky, low is set to .20 late nite trips. On my Quark tactical 2aa the low mode is useful at work (which I just used 10min. ago, since one of my co-workers happen to drain the plant's unwatering sump dry:shakehead)
I use lights primarily for outdoor activities like biking and hiking. So on multiday trips particularly, low mode is all about being the minimum I can get away with to prolong battery life (which is ofcourse zero if there's enough moonlight and no tree cover). 10 to 15 seems a good minimum level to me.
In a three mode light I really like the Maratac's 1.5 lumen low. But it's often not enough. I'm thinking I may find the 3 lumens of the QMini 123 more to my liking for general use. Really everyone's perfect low is going to be variable. I think that's why I so like my LiteFluxes.

In a three mode light I really like the Maratac's 1.5 lumen low. But it's often not enough. I'm thinking I may find the 3 lumens of the QMini 123 more to my liking for general use. Really everyone's perfect low is going to be variable. I think that's why I so like my LiteFluxes.


I was thinking the same thing. I have a Cree ITP on order, I think it is a 3 lumen low, but am not sure.
I agree with the Liteflux suggestion. Then you can make it exactly what you want. And with the 2 UIs, you can very easily switch between 2 setups. I have my LF2XT's FUI set up to come on on the lowest possible low. But the CUI is set up to come on at a medium level. The CUI can easily be ramped to any other level. The Liteflux UI is amazingly versitile.
E01 (10L) or it predecessor E0 (6L) is perfect for general-use low.
ITP-A3 low is perfect for night vision preservation.

IMHO of course.😛
I find there's no single output that's "perfect" for general use since the actual application always varies. That's why I prefer multi-mode lights so I can pick whatever is best for the situation.

That said, I have found the 0.3 lumen "moonlight" mode of my Quark AA surprisingly useful. It almost seems too bright sometimes if my eyes are adjusted to the dark.
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For general use, the 3 lumens on my Quark 123^2 is really good. I've got my tactical set to 3 lumens and the Turbo. I most often use the 3 lumens.