Pet Peeves Part Two

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 19, 2006
The pet peeve in this post is nanny state laws deciding what is best for me. Specifically, in this instance, garbage collection.

My wife and I produce very little garbage, and anything that can be composted or recycled is. I drive by the county dump a couple times a week in the course of my normal business. We used to save up two or three months of garbage and recycling and then I'd drop it off on my way past the dump. Ten minutes and nine bucks to throw away 500lbs of garbage, and recycling is even faster and free. A nice setup.

Then a new ordinance was enacted. ALL households must have garbage collection, by law. $75 a month is the cheapest service possible. The waste disposal company supplies a recycling bin and a garbage can. The garbage is picked up every week, recycling every other week. My wife and I do not generate enough garbage to fill this can once a MONTH. My wife and I had a very simple, efficient, effective waste disposal plan in place. It worked great. We simply do not make much use of this new garbage service and got by just fine without it, yet by law we are required to waste our money on it. Ridiculous.

Time to move to the woods and ditch this place.
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Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
Cellphone zombies. You know what I'm talking about - people who stumble through life oblivious to their surroundings as they yammer away on their phone about nothing in particular. Ran into another zombie today who stepped into the street yakking on her phone and looking at the ground, the sky, everywhere but where she should have been looking as she stepped into an intersection.

I frequently see these zombies in grocery stores, walking up and down the aisles with a phone glued to their skull, expecting the person on the other end to direct them on the shopping trip by remote control. They seem to be incapable of making a shopping list and working off of it, and probably wind up spending 2 to 3 times more time wandering the aisles then they would have with a simple list.

Cell zombies.... they're everywhere... :shakehead


May 20, 2010
Glasgow Scotland
Chuggers this could be a UK thing. Chuggers are charity workers that mug you while holding a clipboard. These people stalk you as you walk along the street and are always over the top happy. Luckily I work in the outdoors so they can't touch this!

Leave people alone!


Newly Enlightened
Oct 27, 2010
Ontario, Canada
You could be walking through a mall or at some event. You're weeding your way through a crowd of people, nothing special, just a busy group of people. Then all of a sudden you're hit with a gust of BO (body odor). I'm referring to a person with that old stale smelly BO where the person hasn't showered in sometime and no deordorant.

I know I've had the odd day working in the back yard and have created quite a sweat. I can also smell my own deordorant taking over. But in my own back yard who cares and if I decided to go to Home Depot or the like, I'd be sure to shower and freshen up first. Even if on one of those "guys" fishing trips, it takes nothing to rinse off in the lake and if things are that bad to rinse your clothing in the lake (I've done that before)
That is gross and IMO there's no excuse


Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
You could be walking through a mall or at some event. You're weeding your way through a crowd of people, nothing special, just a busy group of people. Then all of a sudden you're hit with a gust of BO (body odor). I'm referring to a person with that old stale smelly BO where the person hasn't showered in sometime and no deordorant.
Along those lines I've been on the subway in the summer where I'm standing next to someone who obviously hasn't bathed in a while. Then they raise their arm, and :eek: . Really, soap isn't that expensive, and a shower doesn't take an inordinate amount of time. No excuse for people to run around smelling like a barnyard animal.


Aug 27, 2006
Along those lines I've been on the subway in the summer where I'm standing next to someone who obviously hasn't bathed in a while. Then they raise their arm, and :eek: . Really, soap isn't that expensive, and a shower doesn't take an inordinate amount of time. No excuse for people to run around smelling like a barnyard animal.

In a similar vein, and I'm sure you'll agree with me on this one . . . Drunks who stand there and urinate on themselves in the subway car that you and others are sharing with them. The last sad sack who did that was a well-dressed businessman.

Biker Bear

Sep 9, 2006
The Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan Sprawl
I'll add my own twist to the "public stinkiness" peeve - people who BATHE in cologne/perfume/aftershave or the like. My mother always told me that the only people who should be able to clearly detect your chosen scent is someone you're hugging, dancing with (ballroom style) or sitting right next to. Otherwise - you're wearing too much.

I am sensitive to some common scent ingredients - my eyes just start burning. I frankly find this at least as offensive as BO, if not more so.


Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
I agree, Biker Bear. I have mild asthma and I find myself going out of my way to avoid heavily perfumed cosmetics counters in stores. One time I was sitting in a restaurant reading the menu, and when the waitress (wearing heavy perfume) walked over and said hi, I immediately went into a nasty asthma attack. It scared both of us. :eek:


Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
Same here. I'm allergic to aromatic hydrocarbons in general, of which fragrances are a subset. Fragrances make me feel nauseous even in small quantities. Same thing would auto exhaust (another aromatic hydrocarbon).


Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
In a similar vein, and I'm sure you'll agree with me on this one . . . Drunks who stand there and urinate on themselves in the subway car that you and others are sharing with them. The last sad sack who did that was a well-dressed businessman.
Most definitely agree. Not to mention aren't these people embarrassed getting in such a state that they pee themselves in public? I might understand the homeless (many of whom have mental issues) doing this, but businessmen? Sad to say, I've seen people do all four things on the subways ( #1, #2, vomit, and I'll leave the fourth to your imagination since this is a family-friendly forum). Once when I was going to high school I noticed a bunch of people on the other end of the subway car moving towards me, away from a seedy-looking, probably homeless, person. About the same time as they got to where I was, the stench hit me. The guy crapped in his pants. :sick2: :green: :barf::eeew: Thankfully, unlike today, the doors between cars were open, so I promptly walked to the next car.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 27, 2010
Ontario, Canada
My problem is that I have no allergies at all. I was one of those people that would wear enough after shave to choke a horse (that was years ago) and the only reason was to make sure it lasted.
Then in the recent decade or so was it was considered offensive to wear after shave. I stopped wearing it at the work place. That trend slowly made it to the street.
So I don't wear it any more. No one knows any more who has what allergy at work or anywhere and no one knows what bothers people.

I always felt that people were just fussy and not really allergic until I learned more.
So, if I need my smelly fix :D I'll open a bottle and take a whiff. (Kidding of course)

So, here's a quick thought. I and many like me have bowed to those that either have allergies of just don't like the odor. And I understand and respect that. Like a religion and/or politics.

So why, when something bothers me or someone else, that we have to suck it up?

I'm asked to respect John Doe's annoyance but John Doe is not expected to respect my annoyance


Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
I always felt that people were just fussy and not really allergic until I learned more.

Thank you for doing the research and having a change of heart, BriteIdea. Yes, there really are people who are allergic to these scents, and I can tell you that an acute asthma attack is not fun! I'm relieved to see that the word has been getting out.


Dec 16, 2007
I really dislike when I am in a middle turn lane on a main road, waiting for an opening in traffic to turn left, and a person at a stop sign on a road to my right sees the opening and goes for it, making their left turn in front of me. Not only is it illegal, as they are at a stop sign and I am on the main road, and have the right of way to make my turn, but it is also dangerous. If I was not expecting them to do this and proceed at the same time they gun it away from their stop sign....collision. :shakehead

Biker Bear

Sep 9, 2006
The Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan Sprawl
So why, when something bothers me or someone else, that we have to suck it up?

I'm asked to respect John Doe's annoyance but John Doe is not expected to respect my annoyance
You don't give any examples, but to run with the current thread here - having a scent trigger an asthma attack as PhotonWrangler described goes beyond "annoyance." In my case, it would be closer to annoyance - burning eyes and other discomfort - but you just never know, so it's better to err on the side of not sending someone to hospital. Annoyances that can't "escalate" like that are less likely to be catered to. It's really hard to address your question without knowing what kind of situation you're thinking of.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 27, 2010
Ontario, Canada
ok, here's one:

You're at an intersection, at a stop sign, 90 degrees to you traffic is flowing both directions from your right and your left.
Finally, a slight break in one direction. No one is coming from the left, but the right is still busy. Then the right has a bit of a break and the left gets busy.
In this case there is no blame, no one is at fault, just plain old traffic patterns. I've lost many valuable minutes just waiting my turn. That is part of life that we have no control. It's a situational thing and nothing more. The best you can do is control your frustration or make sure you turn at traffic lights


Apr 10, 2006
Glad this thread has been continued.

I'm nodding my head in agreement,
as i read post after post after post.

Also, shaking my head from side-to-side, in disgust.




Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
People who won't wait for their turn at a 4-way stop, blowing through the stop sign as if everyone else is supposed to stop and wait for them. This is both arrogant and dangerous.
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