Photon Fanatic Task Light II

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Well, guy's I am sorry about the photos, I work as a photographer, and this is my time away from all of that. Plus I will have do a high quality shot, so it does not reflect bad on my craft.

Hope you understand. Photon Fanatic has great photos of the light on his site.

Best wishes,

Rl (NR)
...they mean about as little or nothing as comments like this :shakehead


I was interested in seeing the light, and I was poking a little fun. I know I am not a senior member around here, but com'on?! Are you really that lame that you think your post somehow has more relevance to the OP than mine. At least I was asking for pictures as opposed to all out trolling.

It's definitely a different crowd around here.

I was interested in seeing the light, and I was poking a little fun. I know I am not a senior member around here, but com'on?! Are you really that lame that you think your post somehow has more relevance to the OP than mine. At least I was asking for pictures as opposed to all out trolling.

It's definitely a different crowd around here.


Your post was actually sort of "condesending" to the OP in both tone and content...offered nothing, but pretty miuch criticized everything. Sorta rude...

We may be a "different" crowd around here, but more times than not we try to be courteous. Trolling? I don't think so...just pointing out what I'm sure others (including the OP) saw.

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