sejvaar said:
I have the regular version. Is the covert "better" in any discernable way? Does it make a big difference in the beam? Also can you pull the "nose" off if you dont like it or is it molded in?
It depends on what you want to do with it and how you use your lights in general (light culture).
• If your only goal in using a light is to just 'replace the dark with light' you won't like the covert nose.
• If, on the other hand, your requirements include using
as little light as possible to accomplish certain tasks then the covert nose may be for you.
• If you are interested in experimenting with your own Dark Adapted Vision and want to learn more about it, a PF with covert nose would be a very good choice.
The PF driver will give the user the option of using a much dimmer setting than very nearly any other variable output light available
at any price and without the covert nose less of the dimer settings of the PF are usable.
I put a very small o-ring inside the covert nose to reduce the output
even further and drive my NV green PFs with 1x2032(3V) instead of the stock 2x2016s(6V).
In the end it all comes down to what you need the light
to do and how you prefer
to do it. For myself, I would never buy one
without the covert nose.