Photon Freedom regular vs covert


Newly Enlightened
Apr 10, 2007
I have the regular version. Is the covert "better" in any discernable way? Does it make a big difference in the beam? Also can you pull the "nose" off if you dont like it or is it molded in?

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Hy I have both . You can`t pull the nose off ;( don`t like that eighter . They should come up with a detachable one . The covert is perfect if you don`t wanna be seen cause it really cuts of the side spill and there`s the only problem I see ... the great spill of the photon uncovert makes it seem much more powerful and it has millions of uses , with the covert nose you don`t have this pleasant effekt and it looks a lot dimmer. Sometimes when attached to your jacked anything near the eyes the uncovered one may blind you a bit with the sidespill. On the other hand the covered one isn`t good for signaling.Covered led isn`t gonna wear that much on your keyring. So in the end it all depends if you care to be seen when using it i guess mainly.... I`d get both ;) 12 g instead of 6 doesn`t really make a difference exept for the money:cool:
Vielen dank Herr Winterzelt,

I was afraid the covert nose would hide too much of the useful light as you said. I'll stick with the old ones for now.
sejvaar said:
Vielen dank Herr Winterzelt,

I was afraid the covert nose would hide too much of the useful light as you said. I'll stick with the old ones for now.

Some good German ;)
Jep that`s the way it is , more useful without covered nose.
Re: Photon Freedom regular vs covert? DIY!! :-D

Hey gang,

I find I can make a pretty good DIY covert with 3/16" shrink tube. (That shrinks to 3/32" according to the package from Fry's.)

I cut a short length, slip it over the LED and - this is the important part!! - shrink only the bottom of the tubing by using a soldering iron (and magnifying headset so I can see what I am doing!).

I end up with what looks like a "shoulder" with the tight part at the bottom gripping the LED, with the rest of the tubing unshrunk. Seems to hold pretty well, I can even trim the remaining piece with scissors after I've shrunk the bottom.

But you can pull it off if you want to.

I hope that helps!

- Thomas
sejvaar said:
I have the regular version. Is the covert "better" in any discernable way? Does it make a big difference in the beam? Also can you pull the "nose" off if you dont like it or is it molded in?

It depends on what you want to do with it and how you use your lights in general (light culture).

• If your only goal in using a light is to just 'replace the dark with light' you won't like the covert nose.

• If, on the other hand, your requirements include using as little light as possible to accomplish certain tasks then the covert nose may be for you.

• If you are interested in experimenting with your own Dark Adapted Vision and want to learn more about it, a PF with covert nose would be a very good choice.

The PF driver will give the user the option of using a much dimmer setting than very nearly any other variable output light available at any price and without the covert nose less of the dimer settings of the PF are usable.

I put a very small o-ring inside the covert nose to reduce the output even further and drive my NV green PFs with 1x2032(3V) instead of the stock 2x2016s(6V).

In the end it all comes down to what you need the light to do and how you prefer to do it. For myself, I would never buy one without the covert nose.
I have the ultraviolet version of this light, and it too has the covert sleeve. It is primarily to keep any UV from sidespilling.
I use the Photon Freedom as a "map light" in my car. It's clipped to the visor using the clip mount.

I prefer the "covert nose" for this reason. If you use a regular nose, it shines too much light into your eyes and it's very annoying. If you use the covert nose, it beams the light straight down and not into your eyes.

I prefer the covert model. The non-covert version produces just too much glare. It really depends on what you want the light for. If you want it to light a small room, get the non-convert.
Got the covert model of my old Photon 3 years ago. I definitely prefer it to lights without. It still provides as wide enough beam for walking about, but cuts down the glare. I wouldn't get another without it.

When I am driving and need the person riding "shotgun" to do some map reading at night, I like the covert red since there's no spill to distract me -- not even a reflection in the glass of the passenger side window. Again, it all depends on your needs and uses.
Off topic, I should have gone with covert.

I removed the battery from this photon, wired to red led for radar detector. installed on mirror and now have "visual" as opposed to "audio" when detector goes off. Now I can listen to music, and am still alerted to radar.
