Playing with flashlights


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia
Well I got to playing with some of my lights :\

1st I tried an emitter swap on my 5mm LED 1 x AA pocket light , I put in a Diamond Dragon LED left over from DDP [ Diamond Dragon Play ] , the lens had broken off [ a serious DD problem ] so I thought , what the heck , ill try it in this light ...

Well output with a AA is disappointing , so I thought , why not try those 14500's I got , well , works ok , but current drain is too high for the amount of light output @ 1A

SO I hit DX for a look see at some drivers and I noticed that the 1A Buck boost driver is 0.9V - 4.2V ... So I though , what BBD did I put in my L2M ?

Well I put in a AA and it ran OK :whistle:

hmmmmm , so my L2M runs AA's :) Funny how I never noticed that before , must be something to do with KD's poor product description :eek:oo:
Anyhow :tinfoil: , a few hours well spent playing with flashlights ..
well but did it run in full power? (1A?)

Another option is an RV-7 type driver...(Dx7880)...17mm to put in a P60 pill but only 350mA output...
Full power ? No , I only used dirt cheap AA's that cost $3 per 24 ...
So I put it in my lightbox to see .

3000Lux = Dirt Cheap AA's
4700Lux = Cheap Alkaline's
4300Lux = Rechargeable AA Nicad
7500Lux = Primary 3v CR123A
10,000Lux = RCR123A 3.7v

I havent run down a RCR123A low enough so as not to get 10,000Lux ..
For comparison my 2xAA LED mini Mag does 2000Lux [ Fact LED ]
And my 2xAA Mini Mag Mod [ Q5 lensed ] does 8000Lux on a 14500

Anyhow , I havent got any single AA lights yet , I have 2 Single AA lights on order + one AAA [ Maratac ] and I have 2 CREE XP-E R2 LED's ready for some possible mods ..

I only have some very old AA lights , and they can hardly do 1500Lux in my lightbox .. 2xAA

So Im sort of pleased with the output with a dirt cheap dry cell ..
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hmm exactly my experience...

VERY nice driver...I am ordering more for more projects (I want primary options for ALL my lights)