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Re: Early Surefire 6P with packaging and DL223AC battery

Rediscovered this will going through some old boxes (along with some other flashlights). I have had a couple members sort through what I have.

I plan to list this lamp for auction, but it was recommended that I post some pix here for reference....

This is starting to look like an ad ... :thinking:

Can any provide any insight on what I have here (vintage, models, anything special or rare)... or point me in the direction where I can find out myself. It seems the topic has gone off the rails. Thank you.

I am not soliciting sales offers, just info.

Thank you.

As already discussed in your other thread, the primary purpose of these subforums is discussion, not sales.

No links or further mention of auctions here please.
Re: Early Surefire 6P with packaging and DL223AC battery

This is starting to look like an ad ... :thinking:

As already discussed in your other thread, the primary purpose of these subforums is discussion, not sales.

No links or further mention of auctions here please.

I made ZERO solicitation of sales, only information regarding some flashlights I had picked up over the years in the previous thread. In fact, I clearly stated that I was soliciting information only, not sales.

It was suggested to me by a member that I post pix for prosperity of a specific early rare Surefire, including associated literature, before putting selling/auctioning it. I posted no links, nor eluded to any value.

I attempted to delete the above thread. I'm not interested in rocking any boats and nor squabbling on an internet forum.

Thank you.
No squabbling, no need to discuss plans to list for auction.

Your photos are welcome, and appreciated.

Thanks for your understanding, cheers.
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