Hi, we spoke over the phone If I am not wrong. I try to explain the difference once again.
We use either XP-L2, 4500K, V6, CRI70 or SPHWHT (=LH351D) with 5000K, CRI93. Our customers love both of them, more frequently take the first option because they are more powerful.
The first one, XP-L2 option, has got neutral white color with slight yellow tint, very pleasent to eye. Colors are rendered fine, no complaints.
The latter one provides the most neutral white color I have ever seen, doesnt have any parazitic tints. I also like it very much. They also provides more throw as the center is little more defined than with XP-L2. So if you want rich and broad lighting, choose maybe rather 13+13+29+29+29+29. Because of CRI93, they have 20% lower luminous flux but hardly to be seen.
Basically, with any of them you wouldnt go wrong. I personally use both of them, even during competitions and truly cannot tell which one is better.