PLEASE help... MA6 vs A8/9


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 23, 2007
Bozeman, Montana
I plan to get a medium and eventually larger size thrower. I've read so many posts in here I'm about to blow an aneurysm :sick2:.

1.) The MA6 and A8/9 series look pretty close in size. Is the output and throw THAT much different between the two, MA6 vs A8/9? I do like the multiple switch options that the MA6 offers, but kinda hate the weird looking "nut" shape on the tube.

2.) All look like they are very well regulated, but I'm in a toss up as to wether I'd get the A8 OR a9 if I bought either one. I see that Battery Junction is offering a special edition A8 series with a Cree 7090 XR-E Q5 WC LED. Is this the same as what's in the A9? And would it give it the exact same runtime and regualtion as the A9? I understand that the A8 regulates 18650's better also.

3.) Lastly, I am looking at a Dereelight DBS Cree 7090 XR-E Q5 WC LED. Am I getting too hung up on the data? It looks like compared to the A8/9 series that the regulation isn't nearly as good. Is there a real world , perceivable difference to the light output between the two brands? Numbers aside, all i want is a great thrower with as much long regulated runtime as poisible.

Thanks for ANY input as I'm going nuts trying to figure out which light to get. I could theoreticaly get them all, but I only need a meduim and large thrower. The rest would just end up back in here for sale.

A brother flashoholic in need,
I only have a A9, but common for most throwers is that they are very equal.

I.e. if your uses both(all) at the same time your might be able to see the difference, but when using one at a time, it is impossible to see the difference.

The A9, A8 (only battery option are different) and DBC are in the same category, but I do not know if the MA6 is as good.
I bought both the A9 Q5 and MA6 from Tiablo a few months ago. I kept only the MA6. Comparing the two, the A9 throws better, but the MA6 is so much better in every other way. The difference in throw is noticeable, but not by any means overwhelming or even usefully larger.

The A9 felt sort of hollow. It was relatively thin-walled for the inner diameter, and the outside felt foreign. The threads cut into the single o-rings whenever I screwed the tailcap in or out. The UI was torture - you always had to press the button twice, and couldn't set which mode came on first. The LED was off-center.

Now, the MA6. Surprisingly enough, it actually feels kind of comfortable to hold. The clip ring provides excellent grip. The entire light feels well put together, with no hollowness or rattling. The threads came well lubed, and with double o-rings out of reach of the threads. The UI is excellent - it comes with the multi-mode pill which lets you chose the order, and the forward clicky for tactical use. The light came with a loose reflector retaining ring, but once I tightened it (not a problem, just used a pair of tweezers) the LED is perfectly centered. The black color goes well with the light, and the clip retaining design looks much better in real life than pictures. It is noticeably smaller than the A9, both when seeing it and in the hand. As much as I was dissapointed in the A9, I wholeheartedly recommend the MA6.

I do not have experience with the A8 Q5. However, I know that the DBS is throw king by a noticeable amount. Regulation on 1.2A pills is almost perfect (see
I just threw a recomendation for the MA6 in another thread, but I'll gladly do it again.

I could not find a justification to spend so much extra money on the A8/A9, so I picked up the MA6. LOVE IT. I've got the OP reflector and single-mode forward-clicky switch installed. It throws and throws and throws, but paradoxically still has a great usable spill. The "Nut" may look weird, but adds to the comfort of holding the light. Build quality way exceeded my expectations, and the anodizing is very nice and consistent.

I was able to unscrew the retaining ring for the reflector by just getting as much grip on the protruding reflector and unscrewing. It just took the ring with it. So with that, I was able to swap reflectors without tools. For the tailcap switch though, I definitely needed to use a an improvised spanner wrench AKA tweezers. After I swapped out the tailcap, I torqued down the reflector ring anyways.

I would definitely buy another one. In fact, I'm already thinking about it :)

If you buy one, you definitely won't be sorry. And if for some strange reason you are, send it to me because I can use a second! :)
Thanks SOOOO much guys! This is what I was needing to hear, so real world hands on experience.! Keep it coming! :popcorn:
MA6 is smaller than A8/A9 (VB-16, MA6, A9).

Comes with two reflectors.


My lux readings (lux/1m):
MA6 SMO 9600
MA6 OP 7770
A9 15600

MA6 SMO and A9 (40cm to the wall).


I hope it helps.
Hi djans1397,

I had a similar dilemma, and i chose to go with the A8 Q5 as this has excellent regulation using a Tenergy 18650, 2600Mah. This will run on high for an impressive two hours and is a super thrower. The A8 also runs on 2xCR123a's, although the regulation will not be as good.

If you don't like reverse clickies, then you can buy an optional forward clickie at Light Hound thereby eliminating the low mode. I have installed the glow in the dark tailcap cover, which glows for ages and looks pretty cool! I decided to choose the A8 Q5 over the MA6 because i preferred the look of it and that it is one of the smaller super throwers on the market. The bezel diameter is 44 mm and the length of the torch is 157 mm. I found the grip ring and Olight lanyard to be very useful, however i dont think you will be disappointed with either the MA6 or the A8 Q5 as they are both very good lights.
Hi djans1397,
This will run on high for an impressive two hours and is a super thrower. The A8 also runs on 2xCR123a's, although the regulation will not be as good.

A8 has great regulation on both 18650 and 2xCR123. However it runs longer on 18650 because of its greater capacity than 2xCR123.