Please recommend a CR2 light


Nov 22, 2004
I've been pretty much off the forum for nearly a year - too busy at work to surf.

I need to get a keychain light for a friend who did me a really solid favor. If this were last year, I'd get him a Jil DD. I got that Jil for several (7) highly deserving friends because it:

1. is small enough that it really gets EDC'd by non-CPFers;
2. is bright enough to be useful in most situations;
3. runs long enough to handle any reasonable emergency;
4. is simple to operate;
5. is well built and dependable;
6. is reasonably priced (by CPF standards).

In fact EVERY one of the Jil DDs I gave gets EDC'd.

What is the Jill DD of today?


It is not CR2, but the Fenix L0Dq4 is getting a lot of good reviews for the rest of your requirements. One AAA, 75 emitter lumens, multi levels, great for anybody EDC.

There are also a couple of other impressive AAA lights just coming out (Lumapower, Tiablo). Not much activity lately in the affordable CR2 category.

-- Alan
You guys kill me and this is my biggest fustration with the current CPF. One specific question, two replies, neither of which addresses the question. Does anyone read anymore or do they use the opportunity to taught their choices, regardless of what the question is? By the end of the day, they'll be all sorts of posts, none of them to do with CR2 based lights.

To the poster, yes, the Jil light is awesome. Since my return to CPF, I've heard little if nothing about the Jil. I'm not even sure it's still in production. The limited edition SureFire Titan is probably more than you're looking for. It's pretty expensive and not necessarliy a key-chain sized light. The CR2 Ion is a flood light, that is certainly small enough to put on a keychain. If I'm not mistaken, the only other one I can think of is the Orb Raw. It's less than a hundred bucks, has two-levels, blue trit and is very keychainable and will use CR2 and/or RCR2. Good luck in your search.
You guys kill me and this is my biggest fustration with the current CPF. One specific question, two replies, neither of which addresses the question. Does anyone read anymore or do they use the opportunity to taught their choices, regardless of what the question is? By the end of the day, they'll be all sorts of posts, none of them to do with CR2 based lights.

As an engineer I work with people all the time who have "requirements" that turn out to be "goals". When there are few or no apparent solutions within the "requirements" (or the cost is excessive) we need to reconsider the "requirements" and see if some flexibility will increase the solution set.

I've looked recently for CR2 lights, and found nothing of interest, as I stated. Very few available, and mostly ridiculous expensive or very limited applicability. So I suggested the AAA lights where there has been significant development lately, and they meet all of his goals except one. Based on the information available, the new AAA lights meet the OP's stated goals better than the available CR2 lights. If the CR2 is an inflexible requirement then perhaps the Titan's or Ion's are a good answer, but it would appear to me they fall far outside some of his other goals. Besides, it appears he already owns those lights and knows about them...

It is of course his choice what to do with the information. Good luck in the search.

-- Alan
In my opinion.. it is very difficult to beat the JIL CR2 value for money !!


All was good on this light.. size, price, finish...

IF you ask here for one JIL maybe someone would accept to sell you one. OR if you are lucky try to find Itishiki too !!

But according to TIN comments.. it seems that Titan could be one eligible light for you .. if you have money and patience ;)

So the ORb raw is your only choice, or the NS raw from lummi but this one is not a CR2 light..

Good luck !!
The CR2 Ion is a great little light, and with a upgraded CREE it's quite a little flamethrower.
Jil lights are awesome, I have on with a SSC P4 and It's amazing.

Goodluck, finding CR2 lights that are worth the money are hard to find now.
I would highly recommend a JiL too. DD runs I think 18-20 hours on a cell. You can add a Flupic or buy an Intelli too, both will run on a RCR cell. Haven't upgraded to a Seoul yet, should be pretty nice though. Orbs and Ions are great too, depends on your budget.
I would highly recommend a JiL too. DD runs I think 18-20 hours on a cell. You can add a Flupic or buy an Intelli too, both will run on a RCR cell. Haven't upgraded to a Seoul yet, should be pretty nice though. Orbs and Ions are great too, depends on your budget.

Can you, you know, like, actually BUY a Jil? :)
Thank you ALL for the recommendations and for the discussion.

I like CR2 lights because they pack so much punch into such a small package. CR123's pack way more - but the critical difference in size turns non-CPF'ers off. Heck, my own primary EDC is a CR2 Ion, my second one! The balance of size/runtime/brightness is just right with a CR2 -- for my taste.

I did poke around CPF for CR2 lights before posting. You have confirmed my findings: there are very slim pickings in CR2. The CR2 Ion is a dream; but at $150, it's too much to spend for this gift. The Jil is not on LightMania's site nowadays. Warren is not accepting PM's either.

As one of you suggested, the reality of the offerings means I need to compromise to an AAA light. The suggested Fenix looks ok as does the Peak.

After some consideration, I might do a Fenix E0 Dart. More likely, I will do an Arc AAA or Arc AAA Premium, simply because I know and love Arc. It was that Arc LS way back when that made me the flashlight nut I am today!

Thanks again. It's good to be back.

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I have a Neoca BL(actually 2). I don't know too much about the light but there seems to be lots of info here. It's really bright and hasn't left my pocket since I got it.
I recently bought a Ultrafire Cree LED WF-606B.

While the build quality might leave something to be desired, overall the light seems to function as advertised. I have some concerns about the long term reliability of the switch action. It's a twisty with a spring at the battery's negative contact, but it seems to conduct through the threads. Sometimes the light will flicker on when it should be staying off.

It is rather tiny, and pleasantly bright. I'm sure it eats through a CR2 cell in a hurry.

Here's a photo of it between a Jetbeam CLE and an Arc LSH twisty.
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The Ultrafire WF-606B a.k.a. F&L J1 looks to be a JIL clone. I'm really fond of this little light. (I've been bitten by the CR2 bug) I have a couple of them and use them more often than my CR2 Ion. At $20 they're a pretty good deal.
Can you, you know, like, actually BUY a Jil? :)
They show 3 models on right now, don't know where Warren (Litemania) went. Haven't seen him around for awhile, that's where I bought mine from. Put up a request for one, you'll find one eventually. Or get the faux JiL (Ultrafire WF-606B). The one I have has a very tight twisty on it, good Seoul host because it isn't potted. The F&L J1 turns much easier if you can find one. The Fenix P1-CE isn't alot bigger than the JiL and has a Cree, but is a 123 light. Another nice CR2 light I forgot about (I like CR2 lights as well) is the Nextorch MagicMax. Takes one cell and has a 2AA extension tube. Nice little light and very bright too. Very nice beam as well. I think I got it from Emilions workshop for $45 or so. I think he still sells them.
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I think the Orb Raw meets your requirements, and would make a very nice gift. I have an NS which runs from a smaller cell. It's a beautiful light.

Frenchy! Could you please remind me of the pedigree and specs of that custom CR2 ArcAA in your pic?


Hi GreenLED,

Sorry for the late reply, but I was sick between december 26 and now :(

This custom CR2 AA was built by JEts22 with 1W Luxeon LEd...It is not as bright as my Draco but it's a collector Items ;)
Sorry I don't remember more specs about it ;)