please tell me a good 21700 flashlight that uses off the shelf basic size 21700 cells

I just sat down at the keyboard, with a Nightwatch NSX53vn in one hand, and Lumintop FW21Pro Vn in my other hand. Also, Astrolux EC03 is in this class. I like these three so much that I bought two NSX53vn, three FW21Provn, and three EC03. I gave two new FW21Pro vn to friends.

I have three other single 21700 lights, but one is built in cell, and two others are designed for protected 21700, so unprotected cells need a large solder blob to work all good. TM9K, E4K and MS03.
I would assume Klarus lights that don't take a proprietary battery. They use springs on both ends of the battery so they should work with unprotected cells. With a harbor freight rare earth magnet on the positive end of the battery, you can use an unprotected cell in a light that only works with button top cells like Nitecore.
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im so bummed that 13000 lumen imalent uses a weird 21700. i love that light but hate specail batterys

raggie,, what on earth do you mean by 'special battery'

maybe edit your title to ask lights that'll take flattop 21700s',,, right
I think he refers to the MS03 that uses extra long 21700 protected, usb chargeable battery. I have two MS03, and they work with normal 40T 21700 cell that has a large solder blob on the positive end. The MS03 does need to have all of the factory glue removed from the tube-head connection, and the tube screwed very tight to the head. Turbo run time is of course very short with one battery powering three XHP 70.2 emitters. The light is one of the most powerful red hot screaming pocket rocket flooders. Keep all contacts clean and screwed down tight.
I only have 5 LED lights that take straight 21700 batts, the FW21 Pro, the FW21, EC01, EC03 and Fireflies PL47G2, but all of these are good solid lights :)
I use Molicel P42a batts in all of them,.

Have two currently:

21700 P60 host = obviously depends on your drop-in, or YES.
Acebeam L35 = has a normal spring in the head & will take vanilla flattop 21700s'
im not great at makeing my self clear. i have 9 Samsung 50E 21700 5000mAh 9.8A batterys comeing i want flashlights that can use this cell! it cost ne 50 bucks for the shiped seemed like a deal but i need lights that can use them
Fraz Labs Lumenite 21700. ZebraLight SC700d. Both will take the Samsung 50E without issue.
Noctigon K9.3
Noctigon K1
ZebraLight 700 series

I wish Malkoff would do a 21700 Wildcat & Hound Dog!

I would love to dump the 18650 for the very slight diameter/length bump you get a LOT more run-time