Polarion PH40, your thoughts..

Team Member

Nov 20, 2005
In a week or so there will be a Polarion PH40 sent to me for test and evaluation. The main use of this light will be SAR and different military activities.

I know that there are some guys here at CPF that already have used the PH40 for some time now and I would like to hear your thoughts about the light.

Things like "Its´s awesome!!" wont be of any help..

Under what conditions have you used it and how did it perform?

Even if you have only used it for night time walking or patroling your neighborhood, I´m glad to here your experience from it.

It is exactly the same as the PH50, except slightly less bright and slightly longer run-time.

I have one, and it is a superb light. It is as tough as most people will ever need, and will stand up to SAR and most military activities.

I've been diving with mine down to >30m (>100 ft). It gets knocked around quite a lot, and performs flawlessly.

It has the quickest start-up time of any HID (AFAIK) with ~75% instant-on power, brightening to 100% over another few secs.

If you read that PH50 thread I think you will get a fair idea.
Ok, so it´s the same size and weight?

And I´ll take closer look at the PH50 thread..

Thanks DM51 :thumbsup:
DM51 has given the best advice for actual performance shots rather than the subjective kudos you might hear. I have a PH50 and it is a fine light both in performance and in appearance. The reviews should tell much but never all.

It's awesome!!!!!! Ok, just joking...:p

I own both the PH40 and PH50 and they are spectacular lights. They seem to be of very durable, reliable and of the highest quality. The best thing that I like about these lights is the size and ergonomics. There are several other HID lights out there which have similar lumen output but when you toss in the form factor into the equation, the Polarion really stands alone. I like the output of the newer PH50, but I also like the run-time of the PH40. It was one of the HID benchmarks even before the PH50 was released and can see where it would be a great SAR tool. Let us know what you think of it after your evaluation! :)

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