Polarity on surefire weaponlight


Newly Enlightened
Sep 18, 2007

please move this thread, if its the wrong sub, but i could not find anything matching.

I have a surefire p114d (6V weaponlight with 123s side-by-side) and after having blown out two P60 bulbs in low-light practice sessions, i decided it would be time for a led upgrade.

To be on the safe side, i ordered a surefire P60L, advertised as follows:
"Fits 6P, 6R, ... Z3 and all 6V Weaponlights and..."
So i thought!!!
But it just didn't work. That is, it didn't work in the weaponlight. It worked perfectly on all my other surefire lamps.
With a dmm i found out why: on exactly this weaponlight the polarity is reversed. The p114d gives "-" on the center pin instead of "+" as all other lights do.

Does anyone have an idea how to reverse the polarity on this weaponlight? Just reversing the batteries did not work, no contact.

Please help!

Best regards,
Welcome to CPF!

Am I right in thinking the correct way to insert the batteries is to have them both with positive pointing towards the bezel-end of the housing?

I think perhaps since this has been discontinued SureFire didn't consider it...
Interesting - I'd not considered it either but then there are hardly any photos of the Nitrolon Series handgun WeaponLights disassembled.
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your assumption is correct. Positive end towards bezel. I tried fixing this by inserting the batteries the other way round but as the have a recessed negative end they dont connect.
I probably could disassemble the LED module and change polarity there but this would make it unuseable for any other light, so i would prefer to modify the weaponlight itself.

Maybe someone around here has any idea how to disassemble the unit...

If you can get it open, I am sure it wouldn't be hard to swap wires around and reverse the polarity, near as I can tell from what poor picks I have seen so far is that it is molded in 1 piece and everything is placed inside the housing in such a way it would be hard to remove.
The P-Series Nitrolon Handgun WeaponLights have been discontinued for some time. SureFire is extremely unlikely to offer a fix to allow it to accept the P60L LED Lamp Assembly.

Perhaps this is an ideal opportunity to get yourself an X300?

Which model of SIG handgun do you have? SureFire offer a variety of SlimLine remote switch plates as well as DG (DevGrp) remote switch plates.

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I wouldn't think twice about getting an x-300 for my p226 if i lived in the US, but in Austria these things are extraordinary expensive and incredible hard to get.
