Poll: My first flashlight.

If you had to pick one (or two) to buy...

  • Fenix TK11 R2

    Votes: 30 35.3%
  • Fenix TK21

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • EagleTac T100C2

    Votes: 13 15.3%
  • EagleTac P20C2

    Votes: 5 5.9%
  • JetBeam III M

    Votes: 27 31.8%
  • Other, please specify

    Votes: 21 24.7%

  • Total voters


Newly Enlightened
Nov 2, 2009
Hello all,

I've been lurking here for a few days and soaking up a ton of information. I'm in the market for my first flashlight and I need your help in pointing me in the right direction.

I'm looking for something that is an EDC type of flashlight that runs on a 18650 battery and can possibly be mounted to a weapon down the line. I've narrowed my choices down to these flashlights:

Fenix TK11 R2
Fenix TA21
EagleTac T100C2
EagleTac T20C2

I appreciate your votes and your input. Thanks in advance.
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I'd have to advise a Zebralight, it's so small and useful for so many "real-life" applications. Though I have the H501 the H60w would be and even better purchase if you could be bothered with the battery size (the AA's of the H501 are more convenient for first timer's). Of all the recent occasions of using a torch in public it's the ZL which has had the wow factor. Recently we were looking inside a friends new, and rather big, tent in the dark and the ZL just lit the whole of the inside with no need to start pointing it in different areas. No good for distance work of course but so many cheap LED based lights do that job reasonably well so many of the throwers fail on the WOW test unless you go for the bigger and more powerful models.

No good for weapon use however but that is not really a big consideration in the UK.

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First time EDC my choice Would be the T100C2 MKii. Matter of fact I have one on my belt right now!:thumbsup:
Simple Hi/Lo without all the fuss and worrying about if I'm going to strobe myself. I do also have a P20C2 which is also nice for its size and brighter than the MKii which I keep in my B.O.B.
:welcome: http://www.4sevens.com/product_info.php?cPath=297_310&products_id=1669

If you hang out here long enough you will be infected with the light bug. IMHO if you are looking for a high powered EDC torch get the 123(2) Quark (I prefer the warm tint for natural color retention) and use a 17670 cell http://www.4sevens.com/product_info.php?cPath=53&products_id=202
for the best performance. If you need a weapon light get the one that best fits your needs. I would not compromise by trying to get a two in one with this application in mind.
TA21- 12 useful output levels, outstanding throw(I'm amazed still, compared to my other lights with r2's-r4's) Very high quality build, 18650 compatible, tail stands , great light....:popcorn:
Here's a table I've put together on the flashlights that I'm interested in:

I'd like to add that build quality and how the light is distributed are important considerations as well. I'm not concerned about which one has the highest output, I'm looking for user feedback who has used these products and prefer one over the other. Thanks in advance.
I voted for the Jet III Military. This is why:

-Top notch build quality, heavy duty square-cut threads.
-Bi-directional clip
-Stainless steel bezels on both front and rear (VERY durable)
-Tail stands; tailcap bezel has holes to attach a lanyard.
-Excellent runtime on 18650
-Takes 18650, RCR-123 and CR-123 batteries
-Good max output
-User settable secondary mode anywhere from .5 lumens (which is very useful) all the way up to max or a variety of strobe settings.

-In my opinion it beats the other competitors based on it's mix of build quality, toughness and versatility.

A great light!

Good luck - you'll be buying more than one!!!:wave:
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my EDC uses CR123 - smaller package. Fenix P1D-Q5.

out of your list : JETBeam III M would be my choice.
get a bored out surefire 6P, an AW 18650, and your choice for an LED drop-in, anything from malkoff will work well (M60/M30) and nailbender has a whole thread on drop-ins that he will custom make for you for a very reasonable price...I have the SST-90 in mine and its a great flashlight, 6P should not be hard to weapon mount either. Thats my "other" suggestion.
I would skip the bored out 6P and just get a Malkoff MD2 host and drop in module. There is really no point of buying a 17670/CR123 only light if you know that you are going to be using 18650 cells. Buying something to upgrade it right after buying doesn't make any sense at all. An MD2 or MD3 host should be just as good. However, I don't know of any pressure switch for weapon mounting.
Likewise, you probably don't want the G2L. It is not as current as the other lights, and therefore isn't as efficient. It also cannot use 18650s and doesn't have a clicky switch.
The T100C2 has a pressure switch available, so it might be a good less expensive option.
out of those. i would pick jetbeam or tk12 because the option having a low output. and the jetbeam 1st as it gives you quicker access to modes.. and can be done onehandedly! in my mind tk series do need 2 hands to twist head fluently.

but as edc i would look at something lighter like quark 2cr123.

i have tk11 (it was my 1st led light last year) and i find it to be a bit too big heavy and bulky to carry everyday. for a weaponlight. yeah. it would be fine, they all would. for longer treks and such where you need long runtime and throw and robust build. they all are decent choices.

my personal note. as everyday carry the light should be so small that you actually will and can carry it all day no matter what you wear (jeans, suit, overalls what ever). thats why i see only single cell lights as edc lights. (ok some 2 cr123/18650 lights do almost fit the bill.. the light and slim..but if i do think i dont need the hours of runtime i change them for smaller light.)

but if you do need to hold the light for prolonged time (more than 5 minutes at a time) then a longer shaped light is more comfortable to use. the short and stubby kinds get a bit fiddly to hold securely ..well thats my take when using my own mitts.. hah.
IMO this sorta depends on what you are gonna use the light for. Every light has its purpose.

I choose the TK11 R2... simply because it is my duty light, is lt built like a tank, and it has survived some BRUTAL poop on the job.

But depending on what you need it for you may want to look at the TA21
First flashlight? Wow... I've had flashlights for over 30 years.

Can't even remember what my first one was.

Based on what you are looking to buy, I think I'd go with one of the Fenix.

However, might as well buy more than 1... always nice having a backup...

and a backup of the backup

and a backup of the backup of the backup

and a backup of the backup of the backup of the backup

Okay, you get the idea. ;)
thank you

i really needed to tell you that your forum is awesome

thank you so much
I see that the Fenix TK11 R2 is doing very well in the poll. One of my buddies has one and it is a very nice light. For your first light I think you should go for versatility and flexibility - and the TK11, while very powerful and sturdy, is not very versatile.

Example - last night at 2 am I got up to check on my two little boys (5 and 6) who are sick with the Flu. I set my Jet III M for minimum (.5 lumens) and was able to shine it directly on their faces without disturbing them at all. Similarly, I often read in bed next to my sleeping wife with the Jet III M on a low setting ~ 5 lumens. Doesn't disturb her at all and is plenty sufficient for the task.

With a low mode of 64 lumens, you are unable to accomplish these tasks with a TK11. [although the TK12 would be better with a low mode of 5 lumens - but it won't accept 18650s...]

Also, the Jet III M R2 model should be about the same output as the TK11 - 240 lumens.
I gave my Olight M20 to my wife. So it needs to be replaced with a M21.