Poll: Would you buy a reasonably priced FourSevens Mini Mark II body for your Mini Mark III?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 26, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
I intend no disrespect to Jason and his design of the streamlined, magnetic body for the FourSevens Mini Mark III: I understand the rationale for that design choice. That noted, I prefer the "dogbone" style body produced for the Mini Mark II. I'm wondering if there are others like me out there, who would be willing to buy a reasonably priced Mini Mark II body, either from Jason, or from someone else.

This poll seeks only to identify the potential level of interest in this hoped-for accessory; I don't want to get into a specific price point discussion at this time, especially since the costs would depend on the size of the potential customer base.

So, who else besides me would be willing to buy an accessory dogbone style body? (I'd buy three.) Enter thoughts and number of bodies you would buy below.

(Also, if someone can identify how to set up a true polling tally feature under the new forum format, I'd be very appreciative. Thanks.)
Not the hugest fan of the brass retaining ring/magnet/keychain adapter (paying $10 more for a $60 light so I could have a hole to put a p7 clip on hurt), but overall it works for me

What do you prefer about the mkii body?
GarageBoy, I can't speak for DaveTheDude or the Mini Mk III, but I have three Mini Mk II's that I use all the time. I have a bit of trouble operating the twisty with one hand, and I believe but cannot confirm that this would be more difficult without the dogbone style body. Also, I often hold the torch between the base of 2 adjacent fingers and I do believe this would be less secure without the dogbone style body.

I can imagine picking up an aluminum one if it came around and wasn't toooooo expensive.
GarageBoy...I prefer the "dogbone" style body on the FourSevens Mini Mark II because I find it easier to grasp and manipulate than the body on the Mini Mark III. I also think it just looks better. A personal preference, and one which I'm willing to pay a bit extra to obtain. (I realize that this is a bit aspirational.)
Thread Update: For anyone who wants to buy a Mark II body for their MK III light, these is a fellow on eBay who apparently has dozens of the Mark II bodies for sale at a reasonable price; he also offers a modest volume discount.

Search eBay for Foursevens or 4sevens and Mini ML.