
Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 29, 2005
New York City
I've had an Arc AAA in my night table drawer unused for the last 6 - 12 months. I tried to use it the other night and I couldn't turn it on (precisely I couldn't turn the threads at all).

At first I thought maybe the aluminum fused together (galling). I then got a thick rubber band, wrapped it around the head and opened it with a pliers. A really loud POP ensued as gasses escaped from the light.

It appears that some chemical reaction was going on inside the light, building up a lot of pressure.

The battery looks fine, as does the light. I left it closed for another week and yes, again that same POP, but not as loud (probably a lot less gas build up).

Has anyone experienced this? Any idea what is going on?
Maybe a bad cell? Have you tried using it with a different cell? My understanding is that NiMH cells will vent, but its usually from over-charging and excessive heat build-up. I have never heard of one venting from sitting dormant.
are you using alkalines, lithium, or NiMH?

Alkalines, should venting be observed, is usually a sign that there is a hazard where the cell contents should leak, consider tossing the cell
NiMH may exhibit hydrogen venting during charge/discharge. the phenomenon once inspired engineers to use to to store hydrogen as hydride, its supposedly not an unusual occurrence although none of my 30+ eneloops have been observed to produce the same results.
Lithium [assuming primary, L91] may be seen as a breached vent and should be discarded. Lithiums are produced with a safety vent seal [the ones on CR123A are said to puncture at 15 psi] and its the safest method for a cell to dispense accumulated gases without risk of fire, consider tossing the cell or recycle as per regional regulations.
Thanks for the responses and the reference to the other thread...I had not seen that.

I'll definitely toss (recycle) the cell. It is a simple Duracell alkaline. Looks to be in fine shape, but something clearly wrong.

I'm taking cells out of all of my unused lights. I don't want an expensive leak.
Back when I used to EDC a AA minimag. I would occasionally hear a loud pop from the light when I'd turn it on. The light would work normally even after the loud noise. I always imagined the source of the noise was a small amount of hydrogen gas trapped in the light and the act of turning on the light would created enough spark to ignite it.
I think its just gas escaping, not igniting.:candle:

should there be enough hydrogen in a confined area and detonated by electric ignition the associating pressure may blow fragments out of your minimag or the least leave some residue around the plastic assembly from the high temperature.
Back when I used to EDC a AA minimag. I would occasionally hear a loud pop from the light when I'd turn it on. The light would work normally even after the loud noise.

That's one reason the minimags have a sort of "V-shaped" gasket, and not an o-ring. The o-ring makes a far better seal against water moving into the light (or gas going out), and that's why this happens differently in the ArcAAA's.
i once had my Fenix L2P partake in a venting episode where the rubber switch boot inflated to a ball like shape and was really hard. I grabbed some leather gloves and slowly unscrewed the tailcap and a hissing sound was emitted... this was with 2 nimh energizer's.... recharged the batteries to no avail as my zts battery checker kepting indicating zero life for one of the cells... threw away both the cells and put new ones in and it worked like normal. yeah this happened because i left the light on as a night light to read.