Flashlight Enthusiast
I usually do a brief write up about my work experience with my EDC.
I just returned from Michigan where I spent 6 weeks shooting a film. I use my Lunasol 20 every day. It lives around my neck for easy access.
We shot mostly days but when you shoot days we start very early in the morning before the sun comes up. A flashlight is required equipment.
The Lunasol 20 performed perfectly as usual.
Dur ring this shoot we experienced plenty of RAIN and my lunasol did not skip a beat. The last week was all nights and of course my lunasol was front and center, I was able to go through 3 batteries in that last week. That is a lot of on time.
I really like using the Low level to illuminate my mixing panel.
Again the long and short of it is that even though i had other lights and backups, all I needed one my one single EDC Lunasol 20.
Now that Don has made enough to sell them as a regular item I highly recommend that if you are on the fence GET OFF before it is too late again.
(Don, I suspect will continue production of these until demand has dried up, parts run out, or he makes something better any of which could happen at any time)
The Lunasol 20 is among the best semi-custom flashlight ever made by don or anybody.
I continue to EDC Mine and will, until something better comes my way.
I just returned from Michigan where I spent 6 weeks shooting a film. I use my Lunasol 20 every day. It lives around my neck for easy access.
We shot mostly days but when you shoot days we start very early in the morning before the sun comes up. A flashlight is required equipment.
The Lunasol 20 performed perfectly as usual.
Dur ring this shoot we experienced plenty of RAIN and my lunasol did not skip a beat. The last week was all nights and of course my lunasol was front and center, I was able to go through 3 batteries in that last week. That is a lot of on time.
I really like using the Low level to illuminate my mixing panel.
Again the long and short of it is that even though i had other lights and backups, all I needed one my one single EDC Lunasol 20.
Now that Don has made enough to sell them as a regular item I highly recommend that if you are on the fence GET OFF before it is too late again.
(Don, I suspect will continue production of these until demand has dried up, parts run out, or he makes something better any of which could happen at any time)
The Lunasol 20 is among the best semi-custom flashlight ever made by don or anybody.
I continue to EDC Mine and will, until something better comes my way.