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Post location work Lunasol 20 de-breif.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 21, 2003
Eastern Pacific, LAX DM03 sw actual
I usually do a brief write up about my work experience with my EDC.
I just returned from Michigan where I spent 6 weeks shooting a film. I use my Lunasol 20 every day. It lives around my neck for easy access.
We shot mostly days but when you shoot days we start very early in the morning before the sun comes up. A flashlight is required equipment.

The Lunasol 20 performed perfectly as usual.
Dur ring this shoot we experienced plenty of RAIN and my lunasol did not skip a beat. The last week was all nights and of course my lunasol was front and center, I was able to go through 3 batteries in that last week. That is a lot of on time.
I really like using the Low level to illuminate my mixing panel.

Again the long and short of it is that even though i had other lights and backups, all I needed one my one single EDC Lunasol 20.

Now that Don has made enough to sell them as a regular item I highly recommend that if you are on the fence GET OFF before it is too late again.
(Don, I suspect will continue production of these until demand has dried up, parts run out, or he makes something better any of which could happen at any time)
The Lunasol 20 is among the best semi-custom flashlight ever made by don or anybody.
I continue to EDC Mine and will, until something better comes my way.
Oh yes ... while it does not sound spectacular with its 3x3mm LEDs and not even 225lm output :D ... using this one is a small revelation.

A low mode that finally is low AND useful for something entirely different than the hight mode ... thus broadening the spectrum of usefulness greatly.

One could also say the LS20 is a damm fine light. :p

Nice report, Yaesumofo, thanks for the update. I hope my new LS 20 is waiting for us when we get home from work tonight.


Edited 10/28/08 6:31 AM to add: It was waiting! Thanks, Don. :twothumbs
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Yup. The LunaSol 20 is a small revelation. It is the only light I usually need. I could go for weeks and not really need another light. The low level is, overall, significantly more useful than the low on the Ti-PD-S, . . . although, I have to say that I freaking love the Ti-PD-S too! Now that is one classic light! With perhaps the perfect overall high beam of any EDC-sized LED light in all of flashlightdom.

Knowing how very capable and experienced Don is as a flashlight maker and designer, that's no surprise.

What IS a surprise, is how damn close the high beam on the LS20 comes to matching the high beam on the Ti-PD-S. Such a small deep inner reflector for the high beam, such a small LED, but such a great high beam. It's a very impressive acheivement. And of course, overall, and even more impressive EDC light. The new benchmark, in my opinion. The finest EDC light yet created.
Any beamshots? i'm still thinking whether to jump or not jump over the fence :)
Any beamshots? i'm still thinking whether to jump or not jump over the fence :)

Beamshots will not help you. I've owned two LS20's now. On paper, it can't keep up with the newest, latest greatest. Beamshots will show a very nice beam, almost as perfect as a PD-s, but JUST missing that quite, quite high mark. (I also have a PD-s, and it has been my ENC [every night carry]0 for a while...it is fantastic, but the functional spectrum is so expanded by the two light source light that the beam of the PD-S is surpassed.

Here is the only thing you need to know. If you USE flashlights, and you LOVE flashlights, you want this light. You want it BADLY.
If you only use flashlights to see how far you can throw some lumens, and you chase the biggest baddest overdriven beast, you will not be impressed. If, however, you use a light at night to get around, to do work around the house, to check on a child, or to do close-work at your job....you will be amazed at the jump in function. AMAZED.

If you NEED beamshots, some exist in the Lunasol FAQ that is a sticky in this forum.
Re: Post location work Lunasol 20 de-brief.

IMHO enough has been said really. Boomshots are there for the looking.
Runtime charts are there for the looking. Images on the interior are there for the looking, The PD design is well documented. There are countless posts with glowing praise.

Look, As a tool grade flashlight there is none better Heck when you go to the tool store do you ask for images of the build? Images of the tool at work?
Images of the guts? No you go in to home depot and buy the saw or whatever it is and walk away.
Here we are looking at a light which is extremely well documented, certainly better documented than anything a guy would buy at Sears or the hardware store.
So what is missing? What else to you need to know? Maybe a hands on would do it for you.
Here is what I recommend. Buy the light from Don have it delivered.
Use it. If it does not meet your expectations send it back to Don and ask for your money back.

Don clearly states this is as an option for any buyer of one of his lights.
What could be more generous?

BTW You are very lucky to even have this option. Until this most recent batch of lights was made there has always been the equivalent to a LONG LINE for one of these. The fact that you have the time and the option to even buy one is amazing. This condition will not last either. Every one of these lights will sell and then it will be too late and a HIGHER price will be paid.
Until recently these lights commanded a premium on the BST forum. Not necessary now that production has caught up with demand. Again this condition will not persist.

Are you really on the fence? Why?

Any boomshots? i'm still thinking whether to jump or not jump over the fence :)
Lightknife, While my LS 20 has only arrived yesterday I already have made it my EDC. Never thought I'd do that with a Ti McGizmo light. Basically Don has stretched the functionality of the already great PD to cover even more ground. I figure it's better to get it right from him than to want it and pay a giant premium on BST in two months.
Beamshots will not help you. I've owned two LS20's now. On paper, it can't keep up with the newest, latest greatest. Beamshots will show a very nice beam, almost as perfect as a PD-s, but JUST missing that quite, quite high mark. (I also have a PD-s, and it has been my ENC [every night carry]0 for a while...it is fantastic, but the functional spectrum is so expanded by the two light source light that the beam of the PD-S is surpassed.

Here is the only thing you need to know. If you USE flashlights, and you LOVE flashlights, you want this light. You want it BADLY.
If you only use flashlights to see how far you can throw some lumens, and you chase the biggest baddest overdriven beast, you will not be impressed. If, however, you use a light at night to get around, to do work around the house, to check on a child, or to do close-work at your job....you will be amazed at the jump in function. AMAZED.

If you NEED beamshots, some exist in the Lunasol FAQ that is a sticky in this forum.

Spot on post! EXACTLY! Really, really great advice. And this isn't to snub those who do like to use flashlights to just play with, white wall hunt, etc. It's just to say that if what you care about is using them for real practical tasks, the LunaSol20 will blow you away. And you should get one, if you can.

Plus, honestly, it's a really great light even if you just want to play with it. Or at least I think so. The issue that may come up for some people is that when compared side-by-side against, say, a Ti-PD-S high beam, the tint of the LS20 isn't as pleasing, maybe, and it is just noticeably a bit less output, and so on. If you're a person who needs the absolute most perfect beam possible, with the best, most white, most pleasing tint possible, then the LS20 isn't for you.

But by any normal standards, the tint of the light is quite good. It renders colors fairly well. It throws pretty well. It's pretty bright. It's very fun to just play with! No question.

It's just that where the LunaSol 20 really stands out is when you forget about these things and just use it. Over time, with experience, you realize that it is quite simply the most versatile, most useful, most effective and ergonomic EDC light ever made. Brilliant. Amazing. So useful you just won't be able to go back. Your flashlight career will be split into two periods: BEFORE LS20 and AFTER LS20.
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The LS20 is the culmination of Don's work, his best horse in the race. A perfected tool.

I value the added runtime on high over the classic PD-S and for this I can gladly sacrifice a little brightness on high mode. It is still plenty bright and covers all my daily lighting needs. Except maybe for showing-off :D

Spot on post! EXACTLY! Really, really great advice. And this isn't to snub those who do like to use flashlights to just play with, white wall hunt, etc.

Thank you.

I hope I didn't snub those you mention, as I am ALSO one of those people. I play in the yard and in the woods and fields in the area with 4000+ lumen hotwires with single digit minute runtimes. I show off for my firends. I spend lots of money of lights that ARE desgined (very well designed) to get the MOST light out of a single 123 and a P7. (Some of Arcmania's recent creations come to mind). They are very possibly just as amazing. Just not meant for the same thing.

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