post your faverite toys you had as a child and your fav toy now?


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
as a child i loved erecter sets chemistry sets and cox planes . today its flashlights and good audio gear
Easy, Vertibird from Hasbro.
That was a lot of fun controlling a tethered helicopter.
All fun & games until the lawyers got involved :awman:
Today it's things that go bang very fast & very quietly :cool:
Easy, Vertibird from Hasbro.
That was a lot of fun controlling a tethered helicopter.
All fun & games until the lawyers got involved :awman:
i think humans was smarter back then we had so many toys that could kill us but we had enough common sence to stay alive
I did not have many toys as a kid, was always playing out. So probably would be my bicycles. Now would be my iPhone sadly. Seem to spend hours staring at it.
Although not much of a Tonka toy fan as a kid I now make a living watching life sized Tonka toys build roads.
Matchbox cars and Hot Wheels were my favorites. Hot Wheels had all of those crazy over the top designs and they rolled so well. But Matchbox had the realism thing going like concrete mixers and car haulers.

If I recall correctly the Big Jim toys competed with GI Joe. My brother was into those. But one thing we shared was Evel Kneivel toys. Even had an Evel Kneivel edition 20" Western Flyer at one point. That one held up way better than Schwinn's and Columbia's of the day and cost half the price. While Schwinn and the rest were trying to mimic the grown up sized bikes or building crazy looking choppers the Western Flyer was all about durability. A Schwinn orange krate looked really cool in your bedroom but the Western Flyer were being bashed around by all kinds of Evel Kneivel wanna-be's.

By 12 I was all in on skateboarding and put away the toys of my childhood. Hanging around kids in their late teens and early 20's meant it was time to be a man. Yeah buddy, gotta be tough. Yet I secretly played with Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars well into my teens while recovering from skateboarding injuries due to my ambitions far exceeding my talents.
I don't know why I remember this, because I don't think I ever had one favorite toy, but I have fond memories of American Plastic Bricks (stacking bricks, but different from Lego). You could build houses and/or buildings, with doors and windows that opened. Long defunct, but several years ago I found a bunch of vintage American Plastic Bricks on ebay for what I consider to be exorbitant prices. Didn't buy any, but oh the memories.

These days, flashlights rule!
Favorite toy now?

Life size Hot Wheels cars

My oldest son and I shared a herd of Honda Preludes. It was up to 7 at one point.

He sold all but one of his and bought a Toyota Aristo.
I donated mine to wounded warriors foundations and bought his Lexus GS car.



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When I was a kid: Matchbox cars, lego, ... the normal stuff kids like

Later: My first PC, than my 2nd and 3rd PC :D

Today: My APS-C Pentax equipment (Pentax K3III, Kp, tons of lenses), my HDS lights