All, my Flashlight are shelf queens, I have no real use for any of them.
Theses are some of the smaller ones on top of computer shelf, some were mod beyond recognition of what they were before.
From left to right, increasing in height:
1. Peak Shasta with SS body Running 2xLR44 buttons ---1.5 inch tall.
2. Ti key XPG R5 runing on10180 Li-ion
3. Orb Raw NS 200/100 warm, 14250 Li-ion
4. Larry Light CR2 Clone With XPG R5 & Optics---2 inch tall
5. 4Seven Ti Mini 123, Cool
6. Nitecore EZ 123, Cool
7. Mac SST-50 Custom Clone Runs on CR2 with Ti Quark clip--3" tall
8. Ti Quark 123 with EX10 Clip & Ice blue Trit
9. Stainless Steel EDC with EX10 Clip, SSR-50 running on 18350 Li-ion DD
10. Peu Pineapple with Lego-by-Force Mini Turbo head.