Post Your Shelf Queens!


Jul 7, 2009
I've never saw a thread for this yet. This is (hopefully) for the lights that you would normally not use, or have a special place for them (like me, which is on a shelf somewhere).

Here's mine:

These are the one's I do not carry.


They are in order from left to right:

bare Mr. Bulk LionCub
Fenix LD01 - Signed by the designer
Mini Chimera
Lumencraft Gatlight Tux V3
Muyshondt Ti Nautilus
Here's the closest I have to "shelf queens", Arc LSL, Arc AA, Surefire L1, and a Wicked Lasers 55ma greenie. The L1 and the laser do get a bit of exercise now and then.


Thanks- need to update my photos- let us know you impressions of that Maglite XL 100 when it arrives- hopefully you will not have to chase down the postal truck again.:crackup:

Do your students have an opinion on what is their "favorite" light from what you have shown them so far...perhaps the gatlight? I also read here somewhere that someone managed to stuff an ipod shuffle into one of Rob's creations- does yours have a USB drive in it?
Nice minty arc lsl flying turtle,

heres my only shelf Queen :naughty:
slightly tweaked arc ls-

That ARC is sweet.....did you do the mod?
Does it run of one CR123- or something different?
yes sir (thread), and it runs on an imr16340 (cr123 size)

I was going to edc it but it turned out too nice, now its a shelf queen
Sorry, no shelf queens.
My lights were bought to be used. Not abused, just used.
Looking forward to this weekend. Heading to the cabin, no electricity. Sweet times for my lights.
I consider my Jet-III Pro I.B.S. to be my shelf queen. I know it's not such a expensive and unique flashlight. But I really like it because of it's form and the UI.


All, my Flashlight are shelf queens, I have no real use for any of them.
Theses are some of the smaller ones on top of computer shelf, some were mod beyond recognition of what they were before.

From left to right, increasing in height:

1. Peak Shasta with SS body Running 2xLR44 buttons ---1.5 inch tall.
2. Ti key XPG R5 runing on10180 Li-ion
3. Orb Raw NS 200/100 warm, 14250 Li-ion
4. Larry Light CR2 Clone With XPG R5 & Optics---2 inch tall
5. 4Seven Ti Mini 123, Cool
6. Nitecore EZ 123, Cool
7. Mac SST-50 Custom Clone Runs on CR2 with Ti Quark clip--3" tall
8. Ti Quark 123 with EX10 Clip & Ice blue Trit
9. Stainless Steel EDC with EX10 Clip, SSR-50 running on 18350 Li-ion DD
10. Peu Pineapple with Lego-by-Force Mini Turbo head.
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I like those fades GLOCK18, I've always wanted to put a fade head on a regular red body..