Potting a Port - Specifically the multi port on a Samsung B2100


Newly Enlightened
Dec 2, 2004
Hartford, Connecticut USA
I ordered a Samsung B2100 cellular phone as a gift for my father. When the multi use port cover is closed it is waterproof. My Dad is pretty tough on stuff and I suspect that cover will be broken off within one month of my giving him the phone.

Has anyone ever tried potting a port, USB or otherwise? I'm thinking if injected non-conductive epoxy into or around the port (I'll have to see it) I can make the port itself waterproof. Obviously the contacts have to remain clean and will be subject to corrosion over their life, but letting them corrode over a year or two is better than having it die a quick wet death sooner.

Anyone ever tried it? Any recommendations on potting material? Or does anyone just want to tell me how stupid of an idea this is?


sounds like a lot of work, I guess you could open the case and silicone caulk around the connector itself, then electrical contact is maintained but water proofed.