Power blackouts 'could hit Britain'


Newly Enlightened
Oct 19, 2008
Power blackouts could blight Britain unless the Government takes urgent action, the chairman of an influential House of Commons committee has warned.

"The concern that people have about prices will be a picnic compared with significant numbers of power cuts," said Peter Luff, chairman of the business and enterprise committee. "People could find they are watching the telly and suddenly it goes off for an hour or two. That possibility is real. It still can be avoided but we are losing time."

The committee published a report which warned new capacity to store gas and generate electricity must be created if a "disastrous" energy crunch is to be avoided.

Is it only me who isn't really worried about this? :p

Full story:

Yes I read about this and no, I'm not worried :D. I was about seven during the UK power cuts in the mid 1970s, we used oil lamps in those days :candle:
Well, on the face of it, I have always enjoyed powercuts, being something of a lover of using torches and all. But I live with my family in an old house with only electricity for heating. We do have a gas cooker, so I suppose we can eat hot food and fill hot water bottles for the long trudge up to bed, even if we have no 'leccy.

But I don't fancy doing that for days in these temperatures. It wouldn't be too long for the water pipes to freeze etc.

I hope they can work it all out, or we're off to my Brother's for Christmas. They have open fires and a coal fired Aga. Toasty!!!

Be lucky...