Power went out!!!


Mar 7, 2005
Houston, TX
Power has been out for about 20 minutes. I'm on my laptop and have the router and dsl modem plugged into the battery backup. 2 Sam's Club HID's lighting the rooms and 2 more in reserve.

My wife is pissed that I'm happy about the power outage.
At the very least she should be feeling a tad bit secure that you've got lights on standby eh?
Good for you for being prepared. Tell the wife she is lucky to have you instead of just wax candles.
it's really dark and raining here... perhaps I'll plug in my SAMS HID to top off the battery just in case ;) Though it never goes off during a storm, just unexpectedly for no reason when it's a beautiful day outside...
When we had a brush with a hurricane here 2 years ago, it was a godsend to have my Acro X990 handy for wandering through the swamped basement to check on things. Now I always hope for just a wee power outage to have them come in handy once again. :grin2:
Dont think it would be feasible for a UPS for 5HP motor....the draw would be fierce.
The next time it happens the thing to do is when your wife is not looking, go to your fuse box and turn of the main power and keep her away from any windows. This way you can "keep her in the dark" and you can keep playing.;)