Newly Enlightened
I have read several posts that the black Powergenix charger must charge in pairs. Does this mean that it is actually charging 2 cells in series to somewhere around 3.7V - 3.8v?
If this is the case and assuming it does use a CC/CV, would I be crazy to try charging 14500 LiFEPO4 in it? I'd put one LiFEPO4 cell and one dummy cell where you would normally put 2 NiZN cells.
Anything wrong with my logic?
If this is the case and assuming it does use a CC/CV, would I be crazy to try charging 14500 LiFEPO4 in it? I'd put one LiFEPO4 cell and one dummy cell where you would normally put 2 NiZN cells.
Anything wrong with my logic?