Practically New RA Clicky on the fritz!!!


Newly Enlightened
Sep 23, 2009
Boston, MA
I just got this RA Clicky a few months ago, it is the 180 lumen model. I used it a bunch of times, and reprogrammed it to my liking, then put it up on the shelf with the rest of the collection. From time to time I will go to the shelf (it is actually a box, but shelf sounds better) and grab a light. Most of my lights are CR123's, and they are all running on the original batteries I first placed in them (only been collecting a year or two), as I rotate a lot of lights.

Well, I grabbed the RA a few weeks ago, and it worked for a moment... then died! Ok, well, it was a rechargeable, so I swapped it out and it was fine. Decided to keep the light in the active rotation line-up (two or three I keep near the bed and use-- er, once in awhile). Well, the next day, it was dead again! Swapped the battery.... following day, DEAD AGAIN!

What the hell is wrong with this thing? Such a nice chunk of metal, with cool features and great beam! Or is it just a POS?

Well, not sure what to do about it, guess I gotta contact RA lights. Has anyone had customer service experience with them? What can I expect? I don't know how long the warranty is for, if there is one, or exactly how long I have had the light-- at least 6 months I think.
Contact Henry at HDS Systems; he will take care of you. By the way, It is a 170 lumen flashlight, not 180.
I just got this RA Clicky a few months ago, it is the 180 lumen model. I used it a bunch of times, and reprogrammed it to my liking, then put it up on the shelf with the rest of the collection. From time to time I will go to the shelf (it is actually a box, but shelf sounds better) and grab a light. Most of my lights are CR123's, and they are all running on the original batteries I first placed in them (only been collecting a year or two), as I rotate a lot of lights.......
What the hell is wrong with this thing? Such a nice chunk of metal, with cool features and great beam! Or is it just a POS?
Well, not sure what to do about it, guess I gotta contact RA lights. Has anyone had customer service experience with them? What can I expect? I don't know how long the warranty is for, if there is one, or exactly how long I have had the light-- at least 6 months I think.

Nice going on the box or shelf. I need to do something like that.
As it is now round my place a few lights are always on the"missing" list:oops:
then they'll reappear a few days, weeks ,months later.

Concerning your RA HDS issue, I have had the occasion to speak with the principal Henry on several occasions before spending a single penny with him directly.I have 2 HDS Ultimates but no RA.

Recently due to injury I have an excuse to switch to twisty lights. This prompted my calls to HDS. This guy is a gentleman who has a passion for his work.

If you can I suggest you give him a call via phone. He will make it right..

(I ordered a neutral twisty RA with sapphire lens )
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Just contact HDS via email or call directly and Henry will make it right. I had just recently had a draining issue with my High CRI Clicky. It was draining a primary in a week or two with little to no use. Henry told me to send it in to get looked at and in no time it was back in my hands good as new. Henry is DA MAN!!!!!!!!!!! lovecpf
Sounds like you got a problem with the capacitor in the light. A few, including myself have been a little less fortunate to receive one with the capacitor issue. Sent it in to Henry and he did a wonderful job on my 140 GT. I don't have this problem now and neither the 100 high CRI or 170 tactical has it.
+1 for contacting HDS and dealing with Henry. I have had the honor of being assisted by Henry (and I do mean "honor"). He is truly one of the best there is. Extraordinarily sharp, very nice, very helpful, and a genuine pleasure to work with. Truly one of the greats.:thumbsup:
+1. Socom1970 hit the nail on the head. I have had the same exact experiences with him.

I haven't found anywhere on these forums where anyone thinks the RA/HDS lights are a POS although like any product there can be problems, which are unintended for sure.

Henry stands by his lights and his warranty, which is here:

+1 for contacting HDS and dealing with Henry. I have had the honor of being assisted by Henry (and I do mean "honor"). He is truly one of the best there is. Extraordinarily sharp, very nice, very helpful, and a genuine pleasure to work with. Truly one of the greats.:thumbsup:

I know this is a bit late, but I did end up sending the light back to Henry, and he fixed it and sent it back in no time. He also fixed (or switched) the tail cap to make it tail stand, at no extra charge. (I can't remember exactly how that came up, I may have mentioned to him that I prefered a tail-standing light, and the tail cap it came with, the rubber switch protruded just a bit too much to allow it). Thought I should give him the credit he is due, even if belatedly. Also, I have been using the light fairly frequently for the last couple of years, and no problems at all-- flawless performance. Still looks like new, and still one of my nicest (although no longer most powerful for the size, what with the new XM-L and XM-L2s) lights.