Preon impressions


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 23, 2006
I have the Preon II. Some impressions:

The light looks very snazzy. Fairly thin, especially the main body part. The head flares out a bit to accomodate the electronics and the reflector, and adds to the style of the light.

Watch out for the clip! As others have warned, don't breech load (load from the back) your batteries - take off the head, that way you won't scratch the body with the rough edge of the clip (which is stainless steel, btw, not Ti). And you can make sure the tail is screwed on tight so that the clip won't scoot around and scratch the finish, by putting a piece of paper under the clip and torquing the tail down tight. Load your batteries from the head.

The brightness, on my 2AAA version, on low does seem to be around 2.x lumens as advertised. Definitely nowhere near as low as the stock lowest low on my old HDS SSC mod, but low enough. High is really bright, and I also don't doubt the 160 lumen figure. It gets warm after a few minutes, and hot after ~10, so doesn't seem to have any issues with heatsinking. Medium is just about bright enough for walking along semi-lit streets (took it for a walk yesterday).

The beam is flawless. The hotspot is fairly wide, is defined but with a nicely soft edge, and takes up about 1/5 of the overall total beam diameter. The spillbeam has a nice soft but defined edge too, and there are no artifacts whatsoever. Nice work on the beam focusing and the reflector! My emitter is perfectly centered. The color was a very neutral white. A hit of warmth indoors, in incan room lighting and outdoors amidst sodium streetlamps, coolish. No green or pink here.

The UI - well, personally I don't like the UI, as I would have MUCH preferred a memory mode. Yes, I knew the UI would be like this before I bought it. But, just reporting on the how the UI performed during my out and about test yesterday. I would use the light on medium, then jump to high to check out something in an empty alley I was passing, and then turn it off when an area was well lit enough - and then of course upon turning it on again, it would come on in low. Sure, you could muscle-memory the click-tap-tap needed to go to high, but why would you want to do that if you could have just clicked to go back to the last level you used? Hopefully this is a design choice David would be open to incorporating into future Preons. (Same holds for strobe - I could see myself using strobe in a situation - directing traffic, getting someone's attention at a large event, and wanting it to be readily available with one click for a period of time).

There is one problem, and I'm not sure if it's just with my light (poor QA) or all of them (poor design), but the clicky does not seem to work well. The ti clicky sticks a good percentage of the time. David advocated the 'click in the middle, light press to the edge' usage of the clicky, so I tried that out. But the edges of the bottom of the clicky (inside the body) seem to be rough, so that it grinds as it clicks/taps down, unless your finger is perfectly centered and plunging the clicky straight down. Even a slightly off-center click will make it grind, and sometimes stick altogether. Once I put clipped the Preon to my pocket after using it, and when I got it out, I couldn't click it at all - the clicky had jammed to the point where it felt like one solid piece and wouldn't budge. This was weird because I had been using the clicky fine in the use just previous, so either my last 'off' click was poorly done, or it got pushed about while clipped to my pocket - but either way, I wasn't abusing the light and it was disconcerting for me that I wouldn't have had light if I really needed it right after unclipping it from my pocket.

I tried to click the clicky many many times in succession to 'break in' the clicky, and also tried turning the clicky in place as well, to help wear down any burrs or anything. But it hasn't helped so far, and nor do I think I should have to do this with a new light!

There is also a high-pitched whine on low and medium, which is more noticeable on medium.

Conclusion: I like the light overall. It has a great satin finish (which though picks up scratches easily, that's just Ti for you though), good output (though a lower low would have been nice), great form factor, and it's made in Ti. For the price of $60 it's a decent backup light. I don't know if I'd trust it to be my main and only light, due to the issue with the clicky mentioned above. But it'd be a great dress light and non-main duty light. For some reason, something about the penlight form factor really appeals to me.

Btw, the threads are gritty and tight, so I don't know if I'd like this as a twisty - so if you got the Preon Ti in 1AAA, I would definitely spring for a clicky.

Other Preon Ti owners: what are your thoughts?
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The clicky on mine feels a little rough too especially if I press on it off-center while switched off, although I have had no problems with sticking like you have.
Lucky that yours has a warm tint to it, mine is pure white.

Anyways, the clicky on my Preon 2 doesn't have any of the problems mentioned, and it has a really satisfying click action and sound. And while I was originally worried about how mode switching would work, I think the "side tap" is really easy and fun to do! Makes me not care about no memory.
Madmook, guess you lucked out =) Link Archer, yeah - if I'm careful, I don't get the sticking issue. However, I've not had to be careful with a clicky before (for instance, SF clickies, as long as you push in the general down direction, it fires right up!). But, I spoke with David and he said that the Ti doesn't 'rub' as smoothly with itself as other materials. I guess I'll just be a little more careful.

Don't want to give the impression that I didn't like the light overall -- it's a good light. For the lack of memory mode, I think I just have to change my expectation of how I'd use the light -- as a nice form-factor and classy backup penlight. For a penlight, the low mode is really great, and what we'd expect. It just happens to have much brigher modes (which I can get to via taps). So, if I use it as that kind of light, around the office and at home, I think it'll be alright.
i have a ti preon 1, and didn't opt for the extra clicky so can't comment on that part. the twisting was very rough initially. i worked the threads back and fourth a few dozen times, cleaned them w/alcohol, and then applied 100% krytox which smoothed it out considerably, but still a little grit. hoping each subsequent cleaning cycle will result in smoother action. time will tell.
Glad to hear cleaning + krytox helps the threads.

While playing with the ttail, I accidentally took the clicky completely apart - the very back portion comes off with some force, and with the clicky apart, I reseated everything and tried to put everything real flush back together. That helped improve the clicky action considerably. I could also if I wanted try to buff/smooth the rim portions that touch between the plunger and the clicky body, I bet that would help the clicky action too.
I agree with most of the original post. My tint is slightly cool for my taste, but tolerable. The clicky on mine seems to be behaving better after a few days, at first it seemed unreliable in its feel.

The finish on my Ti2 is mirror smooth, not satin. It'll be satin soon enough after I get a few scratches and take rubbing compound to it - if I don't bead blast it first..

Serial Number 43 here, wonder if they changed finishes somewhere along the line.

I too would have found a memory mode desirable, but I do prefer the low-med-hi sequence. I've gotten in the habit of 3 quick clicks to go from off to medium. The beacon modes are useless in my opinion - I cannot imagine wanting one long flash every ten seconds. I would have much preferred one quick flash every second for use as a warning light. No idea what they had in mind with the beacon modes at all...

It looks like a miniature metal baseball bat. It has warts, but I like it.

John F
The beacon modes are useless in my opinion - I cannot imagine wanting one long flash every ten seconds. I would have much preferred one quick flash every second for use as a warning light. No idea what they had in mind with the beacon modes at all...

I think the long-delay beacon mode is meant as being a sort of marker for outdoor activities. I've seen 4Sevens mention this before. An example would be if you were camping/backpacking/whatever and needed to go away from your tent for a while at night, you could leave a beacon on it. With the long delay, obviously the battery is extended.

That being said, I doubt a AAA light would see that type of scenario, but you never know. Personally I'd prefer something like a 3-5 second delay.
I have to say the only thing that I don't like about the Preon II ti is the switch. It feels very gritty and it sticks often. I would have preferred a forward clicky but I'd be happy if it just worked the way It should. Hopefully someone will have a fix for this or I'll just try ordering an Al version.

I think the long-delay beacon mode is meant as being a sort of marker for outdoor activities. I've seen 4Sevens mention this before. An example would be if you were camping/backpacking/whatever and needed to go away from your tent for a while at night, you could leave a beacon on it. With the long delay, obviously the battery is extended.

That being said, I doubt a AAA light would see that type of scenario, but you never know. Personally I'd prefer something like a 3-5 second delay.

Hmmm.... OK, maybe something here, but I'm still thinking one long mode with one short mode (I'd prefer a one second flash, but could be satisfied with 3 seconds I guess).

Anyone know what flavor of titanium is used? It seems softer than the ti I've experienced in other ti lights (Illumi Raw for one) I mention this as I see more black stuff on a rag polishing with Simichrome, and a 4 foot drop on tile left a good size ding on the bezel. Doesn't seem much harder than AL to me.

My switch is working better every day now, I'm not so concerned about this as the first few days, it really seems to be acceptable. If yours doesn't get better, contact 47's and I'm sure he'll make it right.

John F
Hmmm.... OK, maybe something here, but I'm still thinking one long mode with one short mode (I'd prefer a one second flash, but could be satisfied with 3 seconds I guess).

I agree... since the flashing-type modes are "hidden" anyways, having a few extra ones with different delay times would be a nice addition. With this UI, even if there was 3 or 4 different beacon modes + strobe + SOS it wouldn't really bother me.
I've heard several times about the high pitched noise in medium and low. Just how bad is it? I was thinking of getting one for my wife, but she can hear those high pitched noises and it seems like it might bother her.
I've heard several times about the high pitched noise in medium and low. Just how bad is it? I was thinking of getting one for my wife, but she can hear those high pitched noises and it seems like it might bother her.

I just held mine in contact with my ear and cannot hear anything in any mode. My ears are not great, but I can hear many of my other flashlight whine - not this one.

John F
Lucky you, JohnF. Maybe that means that not all Preons emit the whine on low/med.
This is the 15th post. I was hoping for more Preon visual porn. ;)
This is the 15th post. I was hoping for more Preon visual porn. ;)

Size comparison, L to R
Surefire L2
Preon 2 Ti
Nitecore D10
Liteflux LF2XT
Lummi Raw Ti

Sorry, when I said 'satin' I meant mirrored =) Mentally I was thinking satin's shiny sheen!

The whine, is pretty quiet as far as whiny lights go. I do know that higher frequency sensitivity drops with more birthday cakes, so perhaps that factors in as well. It would be good though if not all of them had the whine (my HDS's were all at different whine levels so I wouldn't be surprised).

I mentioned the clicky sticking issue to David and he said they are looking into it.

I think perhaps putting copper collars on the outer rim of the plunger and inner rim of the clicky body may do the trick, but not sure how much that would add to the Preon cost.
My delivery of the Preon I arrived yesterday. The light looks good. The UI is fine by me. The beam profile is great (big, floodier type hotspot). However, as a twisty, it just doesn't work.

Despite the clean up and lube work, it remains very difficult to turn with the one hand, especially with the clip on. Whilst twisting the light, I found the clip to ever so slightly, keep on moving across the body of the light despite the fact that the tailcap is fastened down tightly. This has resulted in very small scratches to the surface. Note that the pictures below doesn't pick up said scratches.

I have pretty much given up on it as a twisty and ordered the clicky tailcap last night.
Yeah, it seems like the best option for twisty would be two-handed. Or, to go with alu preon.

You might try some (blue) Loc-tite, which is the breakable one. Probably will help keep the clip in place. Or, go clipless.
Despite the clean up and lube work, it remains very difficult to turn with the one hand, especially with the clip on.

I cleaned all my threads with a wire wheel and used some silicone grease and the head is still difficult to turn even with two hands.